Hike to the summit of Bald Pate this Saturday through the Loon Echo Land Trust’s 10K race series, starting from Five Fields Farm at 9 a.m. Sign up at lelt.org. Contributed / Loon Echo Land Trust

Bald Pate 10K

The second in the Loon Echo Land Trust three-race trail running series will take place Saturday, Sept. 7, starting at 9 a.m. The race begins and ends at Five Fields Farm in South Bridgton and is run on a rugged 10-kilometer course featuring 1,800 feet of elevation gain, steep climbs, fast downhill runs and scenic views. Participants should register at lelt.org/race-series.

Volunteers are also needed to help direct runners along the course. Contact maggie@lelt.org if you are interested in volunteering. And don’t forget to go to lelt.org to learn about and register for Trek for the Trails to help raise money to maintain the land trust’s trail system.

Attention singers

Once again, the Lake Region Community Chorus is looking for singers in all ranges to participate in its 2024 December winter concert. The chorus has about 60 members who come from local towns in the Lake Region. The group is open to everyone and there are no auditions, but some experience singing in a chorus may be useful. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Twitchell Chapel at Bridgton Academy in North Bridgton. Registration is at 5:45 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 9, followed by the first rehearsal. Another registration will take place on Monday, Sept. 16. The $25 registration fee helps cover the cost of the music. For further information contact chorus conductor Jan Jukkola at 647-2584 or musicsix@cox.net or visit lakeregioncommunitychorus.org.

Recovery walk

Lakes Region Recovery Center is holding its fourth annual Recovery Remembrance Walk from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14. The easy, guided walk begins at Crooked River Counseling, 87 South High St., and continues through the town of Bridgton and Pondicherry Park. Food and festivities will follow the walk. To learn more about the recovery center and its events, go to lrrcbridgton.org or call 803-8707. Participation is free, but any donations benefit the recovery center.

Farmers market still on

The Bridgton Farmers Market will continue to be open on Depot Street through Oct. 26. Local farmers and makers will be out selling their products on Saturdays from 8 a.m. until noon. Everyone is encouraged to stop by and support our farming community. To learn more about the vendors and to sign up for the market’s weekly newsletter, go to facebook.com/BridgtonFarmersMarket or contact bridgtonfarmersmarket.bfm@gmail.com.

Send your news about Bridgton happenings to Perri Black at perrilb@gmail.com.

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