Deb Hewins is interviewed Sept. 11 by filmmaker Tyler Roberts for his documentary, “Cursed Echoes: Beyond the Veil,” in West Paris. Hewins discussed her paranormal experiences and her time living in the Bridgewater Triangle, a supposed hot spot for strange occurrences in Massachusetts that is the focus of the film. Evan W. Houk/Advertiser Democrat

WEST PARIS — Deb Hewins was interviewed recently for “Cursed Echoes: Beyond the Veil,” a paranormal documentary about the notorious Bridgewater Triangle.

The Bridgewater Triangle is an area about 200 square miles in southeastern Massachusetts that has had an unusually high number of reports of alleged paranormal phenomena, including unidentified flying objects, poltergeists, and other spectral events, sightings of Bigfoot-like creatures and giant snakes and birds.

Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman coined the term in the 1970s in the book “Mysterious America” after researching the area and its paranormal reports.

Hewins, who lives in Mechanic Falls, moved to Bridgewater, Massachusetts, when she was 9 years old. The move happened shortly after a curious incident with her father in which he was unresponsive or frozen in time for several minutes while reading the newspaper one Sunday morning.

Hewins said her father told the family that they had to move to Bridgewater “because God told him to.”

During the recent interview in West Paris, Hewins described her paranormal experiences and encounters, or “visits,” from extraterrestrials she has experienced along with her twin sister, Audrey Hewins, as far back as they both can remember.


“I would tell my parents I was afraid to go to bed. I was afraid the bald men were going to get me,” Hewins said. “I was seeing all sorts of things behind the veil that people don’t see.”

Living near the Hockomock Swamp and the Freetown-Fall River State Forest, sites where many strange occurrences have been reported, only intensified the experiences that the twins were having, Hewins said during the documentary interview.

“We had the Hockomock swamp pretty much in our backyard,” Hewins said.

She said there are many different extraterrestrial species that she sees and communicates with, both benevolent and malevolent.

“All these beings are highly intelligent,” Hewins said. “And they know everything about us because they’re telepathic.”

She described a battle between the dark and the light side of these beings, which she called angels and demons.


Hewins eventually realized how to repel the negative beings, by projecting love.

“Every religion has pieces of the truth but, where they are in certain parts of the world, things are different. Things are interpreted differently,” Hewins said.

She said there is a “spiritual awakening” happening in the world that is being helped along by extraterrestrials.

“The world’s falling apart. If somebody doesn’t intervene, we’re in trouble,” she said. “I do believe this is a global intervention and they’re doing it in steps.”

Shortly after moving to Maine in 2006, the Hewins twins founded Starborn Support, a national online support group “to assist and provide emotional support to those who feel they have had an extraterrestrial encounter,” according to the group’s Facebook page.

“I can’t imagine doing this alone. A lot of people do it. That’s why I started the support group,” Hewins said.


The group hosts gatherings for “experiencers,” those who report having a UFO or ET encounter.

After the interview on Sept. 11, Hewins, filmmaker Tyler Roberts, and film producer Jess Weiner gathered with other experiencers to call on ETs to visit and then watch the sky for UFOs.

Filmmaker Tyler Roberts shines a laser into the night sky Sept. 11 to attempt to attract UFOs as interview subject Deb Hewins scans the stars in West Paris. Roberts interviewed Hewins for his documentary, “Cursed Echoes: Beyond the Veil,” which explores the history and strange folklore surrounding the 200-mile area in Massachusetts known as the Bridgewater Triangle. Evan W. Houk/Advertiser Democrat

The group saw several bright floating dots that could not be readily identified, but many were suspected satellites moving across the night sky.

According to NASA’s website, UFOs can be “rocket launches, comets, military jets, weather balloons, sounding rockets, satellites, meteors and fireballs, experimental craft (if you are lucky) and odd clouds (such as lenticular clouds, which are lentil-shaped and resemble flying saucers).”

In recent years, UFOs, or as the federal government has started referring to them, unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs, have gained mainstream attention with hearings held before the U.S. Congress.

Filmmaker Roberts grew up in Billerica, which is a part of the triangle and home to what he referred to as the “most haunted road in Massachusetts.” He feels like he is meant to tell the story he is crafting in his first feature-length film.


“The more I think the world is black and white, the more gray I see,” Roberts said.

He also traveled to Bridgewater and Salem, Massachusetts, where he encountered many synchronicities which led him to Hewins.

“These are things I’m running into, and I can’t ignore them,” Roberts said. “It’s almost like it’s slapping me in the face over and over again, saying ‘tell the story.’”

Roberts hosts a podcast, “Total Disclosure,” in which he interviews people about UFOs and cover-up conspiracies, including credible sources like retired federal government officials.

There is a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for post-production expenses on Roberts’ self-funded documentary. The trailer is expected to be released in October, just in time for “spooky season,” he said.

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