I respect every American’s right to voice their opinions at lawful demonstrations and venues. What I don’t respect are people using their elected positions as vehicles to air their personal perspectives and agendas that have absolutely nothing to do with their elected positions.

There are many crisis level issues facing Portland. These issues could not be fully addressed even if the council spent every minute dealing with them. Spending time researching and having the symbolic vote sanctioning Israel in no way advanced the daily functioning of the the city of Portland.

The mayor said he hoped his “Jewish” friends would understand. Not notifying his “friends” until the day before the vote, keeping it under the radar, was not friendship. I tried to call the mayor’s office three times, left messages, and have not received a return call. It is amazing that the mayor and his staff had time to devote to this issue but are too busy to return a taxpayer’s call.

The council hasn’t chosen to address any international issue other than the war in Israel. China practices genocide toward the Muslim Uyghurs. Over a million have been tortured, raped, starved and murdered. Why hasn’t the council banned the purchase of Chinese-made products or sanctioned China?

With their vote, the council took a biased stand against Israel. There was no sanction issued against Hamas for its terrorism – murder, rape and hostage taking. The vote was symbolic and divided the community. The mayor and the council overstepped.

Marion Rausch

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