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MaineHealth, the city's biggest employer, has donated $25,000 to support efforts to change the rule requiring employers to pay workers at least 1.5 times the minimum wage during states of emergency.
Sarah Michniewicz, Bayside Neighborhood Association president, and Todd Morse, founder of the Urbanist Coalition of Portland, are vying for the seat being vacated by Anna Trevorrow.
Maya Lena, a substitute teacher and parent, and John Rousseau, an entrepreneur and parent of a recent graduate, are running for the only contested seat on the Portland Public Schools Board of Education.
The 4 candidates say they had no idea the National Association of Realtors was spending money on their behalf, and some called for an end to all outside spending.
The forums, facilitated by the advocacy group Homeless Voices for Justice, served as a platform for constituents with experience in homelessness to engage with candidates for Portland City Council.