A community member hold signs reading “51 days working with no contract” and “fair contract please” at the October 21 School Board meeting. Online recording screenshot
RSU 21 School Board member Kirstin Shapiro could face censure, in addition to a recall effort, brought on by allegations of misconduct.
At an Oct. 21 school board meeting, board Member Kirstan Watson made a motion to censure Shapiro for conduct that she said is inconsistent with the standards expected of board members.
Watson said the motion is specifically based upon documented conduct during meetings and interactions which has repeatedly disrupted board proceedings and undermined public confidence in the board’s governance.
“The continued escalation of these violations has prevented the board from fulfilling its duties in a timely and reasonable manner and with integrity,” Watson said.
According to Shapiro, an executive session needs to be held on the issue before it can be voted on.
Board member Rachel Kennedy-Smith, who seconded the motion made by Watson, said executive session on the issue has been scheduled twice, and Shapiro was unable to attend both times.
“We have tried to do this two times,” Kennedy-Smith said. “I’d like everyone to know that we’re trying to do this.”
The board ultimately did not vote on the motion, and Chair Lesley Stoeffler, along with Superintendent Dr. Terri Cooper, confirmed with the district’s attorney that an executive session needs to take place before a vote can happen.
“Kirstin must have the opportunity to discuss this in an executive session with her attorney present,” Cooper said.
Shapiro is also facing potential recall.
The Arundel Select Board officially scheduled a recall election for Dec. 17 after receiving an adequate number of signatures from the community.
Arundel resident Dorothy Gregoire began the recall effort with a letter of intent in which she said she planned to circulate a recall petition against Shapiro because she feels that Shapiro’s behavior on multiple occasions has caused a loss of confidence in her judgment and her ability to perform her duties on the school board.
Also in her letter, Gregoire alleges that Shapiro violated policies outlined in the board’s code of ethics, including a specific policy calling for board members to handle complaints in a certain way.
Gregoire provided examples of instances in which Shapiro has violated this policy, including a recent outburst during a public comment period on Sept. 19, as well as other incidents.
“Director Shapiro’s history of outbursts have caused a loss of confidence in her ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of a school board director,” Gregoire said.
Shapiro was given until Oct. 31 to resign. As of Oct. 29, she had not done so.
Attempts to reach Shapiro were unsuccessful.
Teacher Contracts
Also at the Oct. 21 board meeting, Stoeffler updated the public on teacher contract negotiations.
Stoeffler said the negotiation team feels “more positive” than ever before.
“We’re feeling as though the two parties are coming together, and we are very committed, as we know the Kennebunk Arundel Kennebunkport Education Association is, to getting our teachers a contract,” Stoeffler said.
She also shared that board member Matthew Stratford has been appointed as lead negotiator, replacing Shapiro.
Stratford said he is approaching negotiations with a heightened sense of urgency.
“This is my first priority,” Stratford said.
Teachers in the district have been working without a contract since late August, when their previous contract expired.
Contract negotiations have been ongoing since December of 2023, and the board has been in mediation with the education association since June.
“We are hoping to get a contract that the teachers will like a lot and will be comfortable with,” Stoeffler said.
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