The birds of winter are back, and just in time to take your mind off the presidential campaigns. I’m really very glad to know that birds don’t bother with electing a president and a vice president.

Birds sing bird songs. They can’t help it, and it’s got nothing to do with you or who’s going to be president. Contributed / Photo by Cynthia Fitzmorris

We might have to hear how this one has been seen hanging around with cats and the other one eats worms straight out of the ground without washing them.

Forget the politics of color.

Cardinals are red because cardinals have always been red. It works for them. Blue jays have always been blue because that works for blue jays, too.

And the songs they sing are not to persuade you to hear a different narrative. Singing is what they do. Birds sing bird songs. They can’t help it, and it’s got nothing to do with you or who’s going to be president.

So just sit back and enjoy the music of the birds.

Orrin Frink is a Kennebunkport resident. He can be reached at

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