Grateful for
support of voters

I want to express my sincere gratitude to the voters of District 32 – Arundel, Biddeford, Dayton, Hollis, and Lyman – who with their vote have entrusted me to serve them for another two years in the Maine Senate. I don’t take this responsibility lightly, and my sleeves remain rolled up so I can continue to work on the issues that are most pressing to my constituents: high property taxes, advocating for safe, quality preK-12 public education, supporting affordable health care and reproductive freedom, tackling the climate crisis by meeting Maine’s climate goals, and continuing our work for affordable housing. In addition, we need to help ensure child care is available and affordable and that our elderly community members can stay in their homes, keep warm, and put food on the table. There is so much work to be done.

Thanks to each of you who have volunteered and worked so hard during my re-election campaign: from my amazing “kitchen cabinet” team who were highly organized early on to the many letter writers, drivers, sign captains, clean election contributors, and friends who helped to make this campaign successful.

A huge thank-you to the many city and town clerks, their staff, volunteer poll workers, and law enforcement personnel who made the voting safe, secure, and efficient. I visited all five of the polling locations in my district on Nov. 5 and found all of them running smoothly.

Though my focus is on my constituents, as a state senator I do my best to support policies that will benefit all Mainers. That is my mission.

Best wishes and a great fall season to all of you,

Senator Henry Ingwersen

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