Giving Tuesday has become a very good day for thousands of Maine children.

The Press Herald Toy Fund gets a big boost in donations each year on this first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, when people pause to remember the reason for the season and give to their favorite charities. It uses those donations to buy toys and books for children who wouldn’t otherwise receive gifts for the holidays, a simple tradition that began 75 years ago.

The people behind the Toy Fund are counting on that giving spirit this year more than ever because of a big surge in requests for help. We asked members of the fund’s volunteer board of directors what they want you to know on Giving Tuesday.

Children are dealing with unique levels of stress related to bullying, peer pressure, domestic situations and just growing up. Providing thoughtful gifts at the holidays that are exciting, positive and fun makes a real difference. – Craig Kinney

I love what we’re doing for the kids, but what’s particularly rewarding is knowing we’re able to ease some of the holiday worries for parents who are struggling just to make ends meet … None of what we do would be possible without the donors who come through for the kids year after year. With such high demand for gifts this year, we’re hoping even more people embrace the spirit of giving this season. – Karen Beaudoin

It’s not always about the toys we are gifting; it’s about the childhood memories we are creating. Giving feeds the soul. – Chris Sobiech


When I write about parents who are homeless or struggling to make ends meet, they share with me the heartbreaking decisions they make about where to spend their limited money, often choosing between food and bills. That leaves nothing left for extras like gifts for their children. Your support of the toy fund ensures those kids get to experience the joy of the holiday season. – Gillian Graham

The gratitude of parents when they realize that they will be able to give their kids much needed Christmas joy and memories despite the hardships they are facing has no price. – Gretchen Stanton

As a teacher in a southern Maine school district for 38 years, I was able to witness first hand the positive impact the Toy Fund had on my students and their families during the holidays. The children would often come to school and tell me about the wonderful toys they received from Santa and how much fun they had playing with them! – Kathy Camire

When we recently placed an additional toy order to meet the need of extra applications this year, it reminded me that donations go to help as many Maine kids as possible, right away. Your donation today helps a kid in need this season, don’t wait. – Strawberry Moszny

A family sent me a Christmas morning photo last year that said it all about what the Toy Fund does: two very relieved parents and two very happy kids showing off their new toys. Operations Manager Jeff Ham

From all of the people behind the Toy Fund, on behalf of all of the parents and children served this year, thank you.



In memory of my dear friend Diane Tupper who during her career at MMC helped deliver over 5,000 babies, Dorothy Spaulding – $50

Barbara T Marr Charitable Gift Fund – $200

With appreciation, Amy Panagakos – $52.91

#12 of the 12 C’s, Steve Carlin – $126.56

Kenneth Spirer and Joan Leitzer – $105.52


Anonymous – $50

Anonymous – $210.73

Anonymous – $105.52

Michele McDonald – $105.52

Herbert Taylor – $25

Anonymous – $100


Anonymous – $100

In memory of Patrick Peaslee, Timothy & Cheryl Peaslee – $100

Kenneth Marks & Linda-Sue Reister – $100

Westbrook Assembly 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Gen. Fund – $100

In memory of all Moms and Dads, Anne Hall & Robert Hall Jr. – $100

In memory of Geraldine and Warren, Anonymous – $200


Carol B. Juliano Living Trust – $50

YEAR TO DATE: $6,520.58


To make a donation online, go to

Checks made out to the Portland Press Herald Toy Fund may be mailed to 295 Gannett Drive, South Portland ME 04106.

Names of donors are published in the Press Herald unless a donor wishes to remain anonymous.

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