The town of Falmouth’s Conservation Commission has put forward an ordinance which will ban commercial applicators of fertilizers from using non-organic products on residential lots. Town-owned areas including school athletic fields and all golf courses will be exempt from the proposed regulations. It is unfair that the town is attempting to create a dual structure of who can and who can’t apply their preferred type of fertilizer.

What is more worrisome is that a poll showed 57.5% residents oppose this restrictive ordinance. Why is the town council and Conservation Commission ignoring the will of the majority?

What is also concerning is that this ordinance bans federal- and state-approved products, taking away consumer’s right to choose. The proposed ban of non-organic fertilizers comes from ideology and is not based on science or data. It is time the Town Council and Conservation Commission become more responsive to the will of the majority and cease their efforts to restrict use of products on one class of properties while exempting another.

Matthew R. Tabenken

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