I study nuclear physics and fusion. I firmly believe that nuclear energy and, in particular, nuclear fusion are essential for a sustainable future while maintaining our current lifestyle. If we want to continue using cars, lights and stoves, we must adopt nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fusion is the process where two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing massive amounts of energy. It offers a virtually limitless source of clean energy, unlike fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and drive climate change. Fusion produces energy by fusing light nuclei, such as hydrogen isotopes, and generates minimal radioactive waste — much less than current nuclear fission reactors.

Moreover, the fuel for fusion comes primarily from seawater and lithium, providing abundant resources to meet humanity’s energy needs for millions of years. The safety advantages of nuclear fusion are significant, as the risk of catastrophic failures or meltdowns is virtually nonexistent. If a malfunction occurs, the reaction simply stops, avoiding any dangerous chain reactions.

As research progresses, international projects like ITER are working toward practical fusion energy solutions. By investing in fusion research and infrastructure, we can pave the way for a cleaner, safer and more sustainable world.

In short, I believe nuclear and especially nuclear fusion are vital for a sustainable future. Consider what we can do to help future generations combat climate change; even small actions, like recycling or composting, matter. Think about it.

Joseph Roberts

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