A snowy egret takes flight in the Scarborough Marsh last fall. Shawn Patrick Ouellette / Portland Press Herald

A program exploring the ecology and habitats of Scarborough Marsh will be presented by Linda Woodard, director of the Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center, on Sunday, Feb. 2 beginning at 2 p.m. at the First Congregational Church located at 167 Black Point Road in Scarborough. The program is sponsored by the Scarborough Historical Society.

It will dive into the exciting world of the Scarborough Marsh, looking at animals, people, and how the land has changed. The program will examine how humans have used the marsh and how the marsh center itself came into being. It includes a look at how the diversity of animals has changed over the years, noting what species have left the marsh and what animals have developed there. Some species have recovered and now are in abundance, while others have become endangered. The marsh is changing due to climate change, and the program will look at what the marsh could be like in the future.

The Scarborough Historical Society’s next program will take place on Sunday, March 2, beginning at 2 p.m. when Dr. Stephen Spaulding will discuss how the first high school came to Scarborough.

Reservations for these programs will not be necessary and donations would be appreciated at the door.

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