
Musician Dyhrberg
to entertain seniors

Musician Tom Dyhrberg will entertain when Westbrook Senior Citizens meet at noon on Monday, Feb. 3, in the Spruce Room at Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St. Refreshments will be served followed by a business meeting, according an announcement from club President Carol Hayden.

A Westbrook native, Dyhrberg will sing and play guitar. “Tom offers up a great variety of the kind of songs we love to hear, and welcomes us to sing along with him,” Hayden said.

Dyhrberg, in a statement he contributed, said he studied music at Westbrook High School under the tutelage of Norman Richardson. He then earned a degree in music composition from Berklee College of Music in Boston.

“I have remained a performing musician ever since. In addition to my solo work, I currently play bass guitar in the Don Campbell Band,” Dyhrberg said.

Legion Post
62 to meet


Post 62 Commander Dennis Marrotte announced there will be two guest speakers at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at its headquarters on Dunn St.

Westbrook Police Chief Sean Lally will give a brief update on the work of his department. Lally will then introduce Aaron Webster, a new patrol officer and a veteran.

Webster will describe Mead Mountain Outdoors, a nonprofit organization he founded that works with veterans and helps them in dealing with issues related with their military service, Marrotte said.

Post Meetings are open to all veterans. Those attending should arrive at 5:30 p.m. Dinner is served at 5:45 pm and costs $10.

The guest speakers begin at 6:30 p.m., “followed by the monthly post business meeting at 7 p.m.,” Marrotte said.

Redwood Society
Bingo Blitz


The Redwood Society for those age 50 and older has weekly events in the Redwood Room from 1 to 3 p.m. at Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St.

Events include Bingo Blitz on Friday, Jan. 31. Participation is open to all. Free coffee, water and snacks are always available.

For more information, call John Lee at 854-0676 or email jlee@westbrook.me.us.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on Jan. 28, 1975, that Stephanie Ann Harnois, daughter of Ronald Harnois of 79 Mechanic St., celebrated her first birthday on Jan. 3.

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