Egg prices are expected to go up 20-25% in 2025. What makes eggs different from any other inflationary food item is avian flu. When it is detected, flocks must be destroyed. The supply of eggs goes down and their price goes up.

That is one reason why the executive order to black out federal health agencies is so harmful and misguided. We need up-to-the-minute research on bird flu now and we need it continuously. Under the recent executive order the CDC, the FDA, the NIH and the Department of Health and Human Services cannot hold scientific meetings, put out reports or health advisories or update their websites. Reports about the rising problem of bird flu have been withheld because of this order.

Of course, an increase in the price of eggs is just one reason why we need to keep avian flu in our sights. There is the health of other animals, domestic and wild. And, of course, the threat of an outbreak in humans, too. But egg prices seem to be on people’s minds nowadays.

Scientific research helps keep our food supply safe and our population healthy. We cannot afford to suppress it.

Jeffrey Fischer

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