News flash: Donald Trump is a despicable human being. But we already knew this.

His actions in his first week of Trump 2.0 should not be surprising. It is the lack of shock and outrage from his Republican cronies, regarding such actions as his willingness to pardon those convicted of the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the Capitol, his typical thin-skinned reactions from those who criticize him and other “Trump-like” actions that is reprehensible.

The disturbing part of this is that almost 50% of the American electorate thought it a good idea to let Trump back in. I am not sure what these folks were thinking. Perhaps “integrity” and “caring” are not qualities that are high on their list for a leader. What I would ask of them is to call out the president when his policies and actions are unconstitutional and “un-American.” I always thought that being an “American” came before allegiance to a political party.

The failure of Republicans to speak out and raise concerns about what Trump has said, and penned his name to, in his “executive orders” thus far is not OK. Republicans should start showing some courage.

Don Cohen

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