- Truth Test roundup
Truth Test is a regular feature of MaineToday Media's campaign coverage, in which we cast a critical eye on the truthfulness of advertising and public comments by political candidates.
November 1, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: Schools would teach gay marriage? No
October 31, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Summers' anti-King ad partially accurate
October 28, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: PAC's ad tries to discredit King, but trips on facts
October 25, 2012

HALF TRUE: King TV ad correct about cutting taxes, but not about deficit
October 22, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: Anti-gay marriage ad uses misleading example
October 21, 2012

FALSE: Anti-Raye ad among most misleading of season
October 15, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: Ad misses mark on gay partners' rights
October 14, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: New Republican attack ad still distorts the truth
October 10, 2012

HALF TRUE: Raye's latest ad against Michaud only half-true
October 8, 2012

HALF TRUE: Summers backs Ryan 'goal,' but ad takes some liberties

October 7, 2012

TRUE: King ad holds up Summers' stances on taxes, climate change
September 30, 2012

TRUE: Raye's ad makes accurate claim about business measures
September 24, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Democrats mostly right about impact of tax cuts

September 19, 2012

FALSE: Senate candidates tell falsehoods at debate
September 17, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: Republican ad fails to get facts, period
September 16, 2012

TRUE: Courtney correct about bipartisanship
September 9, 2012

TRUE: King ad right on tax decrease, dubious on bond rating
September 2, 2012

TRUE: Funding for tourism, visits to Maine both increased under King

August 26, 2012

TRUE: Maine R&D funding spiked during King's watch

August 19, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: Is health reform robbing Medicare benefits?

August 11, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Summers' ad tells truth, stretched a bit
August 8, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Dems' attack on state senators gets facts mostly correct
August 6, 2012

TRUE: Truth Test: Raye's savings on staff budget better than advertised

August 5, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Truth Test: Ad inflates Pingree's spending for 2012
July 28, 2012

FALSE: Truth Test: Details matter when citing child-rearing studies

July 27, 2012

TRUE: In chamber's ads, numbers check out
July 23, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: With wealth, income, Dill compares apples, oranges

July 22, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: King's job claim accurate but 'spun'

July 19, 2012

MOSTLY FALSE: Dill's contraception claim confusing

July 14, 2012

FALSE: Could same-sex marriage law threaten religious groups' tax-exempt status?

July 8, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Are domestic partners being denied hospital visitation rights?

June 25, 2012

FALSE: King cites a number to attack tax code but it's just rhetoric

June 23, 2012

FALSE: Summers off-base on the costs of Obama's health care law

June 18, 2012

MOSTLY TRUE: Cynthia Dill on income inequality

June 6, 2012

FALSE: U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud's speech at the Democratic State Convention