PublishedApril 17, 2015
Letter to the editor: Portland needs tenants’ advocate
I will be graduating from Saint Joseph’s College in May. I plan on living on my own after graduation. Until recently, I had never put much thought into what living “on my own” was going to be like. The tragedy of the fire that claimed six lives on Noyes Street in November led me to […]
PublishedApril 17, 2015
Letter to the editor: First, fund jobs for Maine’s needy, then discuss requiring work
Compromise is now unacceptable in politics, but compromise legislation often passes when everyone disagrees with part of it. So, regarding welfare reform, I propose the following. The governor and I agree that public assistance over time is disempowering and often self-perpetuating. We agree that getting people back to work is a top priority. As I […]
PublishedApril 17, 2015
Letter to the editor: Delivered during January blizzard, newspaper surfaces at last – in perfect condition
On Easter Sunday, while walking across my lot, checking on how the winter snow was finally disappearing, I noticed a plastic bag with a newspaper inside. When I opened it, I found that it was my newspaper delivered Jan. 27. It was in perfect condition, even dry and completely readable. I noticed the headline on […]
PublishedApril 17, 2015
Letter to the editor: Life sentence for Tsarnaev would halt cycle of revenge
Responding to Julie Zimmerman’s courageous letter (“Executing marathon bomber would perpetuate cycle of revenge,” April 14): I would take issue with her description of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother as being “horribly misguided.” They were much more than “misguided.” They were truly evil, totally depraved and absolutely despicable. That said, all the more reason for […]
PublishedApril 17, 2015
Letter to the editor: Executing Tsarnaev would make him a martyr
I’d like to echo letter writer Julie Zimmerman (“Executing marathon bomber would perpetuate cycle of revenge,” April 14). A death sentence will only turn Dzhokhar Tsarnaev into a martyr, which is what all the Islamist fanatics are after. Once he has been declared a martyr by the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, al-Qaida […]
PublishedApril 16, 2015
Letter to the editor: Sen. Collins and her colleagues should support Clean Power Plan
I believe strongly in protecting our environment and public health. As a former Portland city manager, I know firsthand how important clean air is to economic growth and the vitality of a city. I appreciate the action that our own Sen. Susan Collins has taken thus far to acknowledge the issue of climate change, which […]
PublishedApril 16, 2015
Letter to the editor: Column expresses liberal philosophy, obtuse notions
Editorial Page Editor Greg Kesich’s column equating the mortgage interest deduction on Americans’ homes with food stamps and other welfare payments is the height of the arrogance of the intellectual elite that on a daily basis tries to convince us that up is down and black is white (“Government assistance benefits more than the usual […]
PublishedApril 16, 2015
Letter to the editor: Irony abounds in racist incident in Portland’s Old Port
I wanted in the worst way to lash back at the cads who, from their car, “yelled a derogatory word for blacks” at the family enjoying a balmy afternoon in the Old Port (“Ugly incident in Old Port leads to burst of online debate about race in Maine,” April 6). Those ignorant young people come […]
PublishedApril 16, 2015
Letter to the editor: More assurances on Maine’s court fees would be welcome
We applaud Mary Ann Lynch, media counsel for the Maine Judicial Branch, for her public assurances that Maine’s courts don’t jail those who are “unable” to pay fines (“Another View: Only those who can pay, but don’t, face jail time for unpaid fines,” April 3). It is a much-needed baby step, reassuring the public about […]
PublishedApril 15, 2015
Letter to the editor: ACLU’s anti-religious bias in bad faith
Regarding the tempest in a teapot now brewing in the Brunswick school district (“Brunswick teacher accused of discussing religious belief,” April 8): It would be appreciated if the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine would lighten up a bit. No doubt the ACLU’s Zach Heiden is an astute and erudite barrister; however, his overzealous tone […]
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