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  • Published
    January 11, 2013

    Letters to the editor: State coyote hunt poorly thought out

    In a year that saw hunters take an increased number of deer, thanks to a mild winter, I am concerned that the previous speculation of deer population declines due to coyote predation has not been re-evaluated. Irresponsible control of a poorly studied species without any core or long-term understanding of their ecological role within a […]

  • Published
    January 10, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Charter school offers nothing new

    I read with great interest the Jan. 3 article by Noel K. Gallagher, “More than 30 apply to new Portland charter school,” announcing that the school, the Baxter Academy for Technology and Science, has begun taking applications and will open for school year 2013-14. “School board member Kelli Pryor said the school, in addition to […]

  • Published
    January 9, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Libya, Newtown reactions contradictory

    It has gotten to the point where Republican pundits and politicians are saying so much that is absolutely contradictory it has to be pointed out on a case-by-case basis. The latest example is the total disconnect in conservative dogma between the Benghazi, Libya, consulate attack and the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in New […]

  • Published
    January 8, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: Money for arms, but little for the people

    It’s the hidden time bomb just waiting to explode — your series about the underground world of pipes for drinking water and sewer systems that keep Portland working ( “No guarantees: Portland Water District at risk for more breaks,” Dec. 31). They are collapsing across the nation, and there is virtually no money to repair […]

  • Published
    January 7, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Gun owners’ rights placed above others’

    In a recent letter to the editor (“Preventing another Newtown tragedy,” Dec. 19), Thomas O’Connor of Falmouth asked: “When is Congress going to get serious about preventing these mass murders and stop listening to the anti-gun nuts?” I assume O’Connor prefers that Congress only pays attention to the Institute for Legislative Action, the lobbying arm […]

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  • Published
    January 6, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Repeal the Second Amendment

    The Second Amendment was enacted in the wake of our long, bloody revolution with the then-corrupt, tyrannical British monarchy. We had a tiny standing military and limited means to support one. The necessity of an armed militia to provide for the common defense was critical to the new United States of America. Today, we have […]

  • Published
    January 5, 2013
    David Keene, Wayne LaPierre

    Letters to the editor: Easy access enables gun tragedies

    I was born and raised in the state of Maine. My dad bought me my first rifle when I was in the eighth grade and taught me how to use it. I understand the Second Amendment and the right of Americans to bear arms. But what I don’t understand is why private citizens need to […]

  • Published
    January 3, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Don’t let energy independence stall

    U.S. oil output is surging, but a letter writer says environmental regulators are blocking the nation’s path to energy self-sufficiency.

  • Published
    January 3, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: Carrier of gun had legitimate motive

    I just don’t understand Bill Nemitz. In his column about Justin Dean exercising his open carry rights (“A world so safe, it’s scary,” Dec. 28), Nemitz claims that Dean lives in “a world of pure paranoia,” where he might want to have a firearm at his disposal for purposes of self-defense, yet he (Nemitz) has […]

  • Published
    January 2, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: Wind power critic overlooks facts

    I strongly disagree with the letter “Wind power blight ruins search for peace in Maine” (Dec. 11). Like its writer, I’m native to Maine. I’ve lived my entire 16 years here. However, I disagree that wind turbines have a negative effect on Maine. Unlike oil or coal, wind power is a clean, renewable energy source. […]