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  • Published
    March 3, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 3, 2011Controversy over public workers

    George Will’s recent column regarding the political protests in Wisconsin are a quintessential example of ideology masquerading as journalism. Mr. Will describes the protests as an attempt to “repeal an election.” While Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was clear during the campaign regarding his intentions to cut spending, Will fails to mention that Wisconsin workers have […]

  • Published
    March 3, 2011

    City’s SATs disappointing for elementary parent

    – The 2009-2010 Portland high school SAT results (Deering, Portland High and Casco Bay) reported in the Feb. 21 Press Herald are appalling. The students who took the test as juniors are graduating in June (most of them, anyway). More than 60 percent of them do not meet Maine state standards in math, and more […]

  • Published
    March 2, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 2, 2011Mideast conflicts create many reactions

    The headlines showing Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi brutally repressing his people as they protest for freedom are no surprise, but Col. Gadhafi’s long and checkered dealings with the West might surprise some. Twenty-five years ago, Col. Gadhafi was bad-guy No. 1 on the world stage, and the self-professed “Arab socialist” with his Hermann Goering-esque uniforms […]

  • Published
    March 1, 2011

    Letters to the editor, March 1, 2011Diet game not best way to lose weight

    In reading the recent article about the Biggest Loser challenge at David’s Restaurant, part of me wanted to applaud, but part of me was also concerned (“Weight watchers,” Feb. 16). As someone who lost 130 pounds and kept it off for eight years, I understand the difficulty of significant weight loss. From that perspective, I […]

  • Published
    February 28, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 28, 2011Add Clifford back to tax rolls

    I find it very interesting that the Portland School Department insisted that we taxpayers shell out millions for the new Ocean Avenue School because Nathan Clifford, due to the department’s neglect, was in such disrepair. Now it’s supposed to be a center for teacher education. Nathan Clifford should be put back on the tax rolls […]

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  • Published
    February 27, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 27, 2011Finding help for older drivers

    The AARP Driver Safety Program in Maine thanks Bill Nemitz for asking “When must elderly drivers give up the keys?” His treatment of the issue was personal and timely. Maine’s population is getting older and at a pace faster than the national average. Thus Maine’s driving population is quickly aging. The vast majority of drivers […]

  • Published
    February 26, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 26, 2011Charter schools, from both sides

    You should have done some homework before arguing for charter schools (“State should stop resisting charter schools,” Feb. 16). How will charter schools address Maine’s shrinking student population, shorter year and relatively declining scores, or gotten Maine Race to the Top money? Most studies show that charter schools are no better than public schools. Since […]

  • Published
    February 26, 2011

    More letters to the editor, Feb 26, 2011State, national political issues on readers’ minds

    Governor’s hit list:  As a grandparent of three young children living in Maine, I am appalled that the Kid-Safe Products Act is on Gov. Paul LePage’s hit list. Why would he want to eliminate a law that uses sound science to identify the most dangerous chemicals used in children’s products; collects and shares information with […]

  • Published
    February 25, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 25, 2011Photo ID a deterrent for voters

    If the agenda of the new LePage administration is really for smaller government and paring down the budget by trimming wasteful spending, how does the push for more stringent identification requirements for voter rights fit into this philosophy? I have seen no strong evidence of voter fraud in Maine, so why does government need to […]

  • Published
    February 24, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 24, 2011:Planet GOP and the search for Obama

    As astronomers peer farther and farther out into the universe, they are finding more and more stars that, like our sun, have planets of their own. This interesting news helps me to understand the current situation in Washington, D.C. In June 2009 General Motors, a victim of the financial crisis, went bankrupt, putting more than […]