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  • Published
    February 6, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 6, 2011:Hunters, let coyote traps alone

    Many complain of the coyote population, its damage to livestock and our deer herds. Five members of the Carrabassett Valley Trappers removed 78 coyotes from the woods this fall. While this may seem like a large amount, it isn’t. The coyote population remains high in the areas trapped, but many more deer will make it […]

  • Published
    February 5, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 5, 2011:Don’t cut Social Security, Medicare

    It is incomprehensible to me why Republican members of Congress want to reduce or eliminate Social Security and Medicare benefits, especially considering our current economic malaise. We live in a time when employee pensions are being eliminated by many, if not most, organizations (and being reduced by many others), when at the same time the […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 4, 2011Cutler Files show dark side of system

    Regarding "The Cutler Files," this entire saga is what is wrong with politics and why citizens are mistrustful of the political process and politicians in particular.<br><br> The continuous "issuing of statements," the vehement denials, the obfuscation, the parsing of words -- this is the type of nonsense that makes people throw up their hands in disgust and check out of the political process.

  • Published
    February 3, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 3, 2011Tobacco tax hike would help quitters

    Thank you for your recent editorial regarding the need to raise the price of cigarettes to reduce the youth smoking ("Cigarette tax a proven way to cut teen smoking," Jan. 22).<br><br> If the cigarette excise tax were raised by $1.50 as proposed recently by the American Lung Association in Maine, there may be some negative short-term consequences as others have suggested.

  • Published
    February 2, 2011
    Steve King

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 2, 2011Health care controversial with readers

    How can politicians get things so wrong, namely about the cost of health care and end-of-life choices? There is no limit to the cost of medical care as presently practiced in the United States. They think they can save money by reducing Medicare and Medicaid benefits without raising an outcry, but that would limit care […]

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  • Published
    February 1, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Feb. 1, 2011Environmental plans draw response

    I am simply appalled at Gov. Le-Page’s proposed decimation of our environmental and land use protections. I hardly know where to begin. As the father of a 4-year-old, I cannot imagine explaining to my daughter why the governor seeks to allow more sulfur dioxide emissions into the air, thus increasing her chances of getting asthma. […]

  • Published
    January 30, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 30, 2011:Standing up for Gov. LePage

    Forbes magazine recently ranked Maine as the worst state to do business. Yes, Maine was ranked as No. 50, which is rock bottom. Years of excessive taxation and excessive regulatory policies led to this ranking, not to mention the $1 billion state budget shortfall left by Baldacci for Gov. LePage to solve. Why aren’t LePage’s […]

  • Published
    January 29, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 29, 2011State of the Union inspiring, or not

    I attended the Organizing for America State of the Union watch event at RiRa’s. As usual, I was very impressed with our president’s words, but was most impressed with his points made on Americans needing to reinvent themselves in this new world where finding a job or career is not as easy as it used […]

  • Published
    January 29, 2011

    More letters to the editor, Jan. 29, 2011Column on abortion stirs strong replies

    I am writing with concern over the publication of M.D. Harmon’s column in the Jan. 21 paper regarding the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. I never thought I’d see something so retrograde and damaging to women’s health in your paper. Aside from Harmon’s inflammatory tone, his facts are incorrect. It is not true, for example, […]

  • Published
    January 28, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 28, 2011More gun laws needed, or not?

    Matt Brown in his “Another View” on Jan. 22 (“Many choices in a free society come with risks, not just guns”) equates the lethality of firearms with that of tobacco and alcohol, and he pronounces that, “The risks, dangers and consequences” of all three are “the price we pay to live with these personal liberties […]