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  • Published
    March 20, 2012

    Letters to the editor, March 20, 2012LePage inconsistent on MPBN funding

    The March 16 Press Herald noted that at a recent town hall meeting the governor, who last year cut MPBN’s budget by $200,000, was asked why he now has proposed cutting all funding (an additional $1.7 million) to MPBN. He responded: “Why should I pay welfare to a company? It’s that simple I need that […]

  • Published
    March 19, 2012

    Letters to the editor:Past models of bipartisanship abound

    Never has the U.S. Congress been so polarized. It is now almost impossible to pass legislation to improve the state of the nation and its citizens — the parties are more intent on working on self-aggrandizement and the status of their political party. It’s gotten so bad that Sen. Olympia Snowe decided in disgust last […]

  • Published
    March 18, 2012

    Letters to the editor, March 18, 2012Readers react to King for Senate

    There is clearly a political problem in Washington. But it’s naive to think that a freshman senator with no party affiliation can fix it. Despite Angus King’s remarkable personality, it seems unlikely that he would be able to rally moderate Democrats and Republicans to his cause and pass bipartisan legislation. Sitting senators are not likely […]

  • Published
    March 17, 2012

    More letters to the editor, March 17, 2012Two reactions to public employee double dipping story

    I am writing this letter to comment about the headline on the front page of the March 11 Maine Sunday Telegram. I’m hoping that a little feedback might go a long way. The headline, “Over 1,200 public workers double dipping,” was catchy, however it was very misleading. The subhead implicated those who work for the […]

  • Published
    March 17, 2012
    Jim Alberty, Shirley Bowen, Tim Higgins, Peter Bowen

    Letters to the editor, March 17, 2012’Ashes to Go’ brought church to people

    The March 10 Portland Press Herald carried a letter expressing “utter dismay at the curbside service” offered in an Ash Wednesday “Ashes to Go” program in Portland. As the only lay person involved in that program, I’d like to offer a different viewpoint. When asked to participate I did have doubts, not sure what reception […]

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  • Published
    March 16, 2012

    Letters to the editor, March 16, 2012:Need for constant contact can be deadly

    “One if by land. Two if by sea,” was undoubtedly a vital message. Abraham Lincoln had to wait many hours to learn of his presidential victory after vote tallying by hand, with results relayed by Morse code telegraph. Today, we have social networking that can pinpoint a wanted man in Uganda or instigate an Arab […]

  • Published
    March 15, 2012

    Letters to the Editor, March 15, 2012Downeaster not pulling its own weight

    I find Jonathan Riskind’s Feb. 26 column about the Downeaster to be quite revealing (“Downeaster funding puts pressure on Snowe”). It is true, as he states, that federal funds, taxpayers’ money, account for $6 million a year of the Downeaster’s operating budget. It is also true that revenue from the Downeaster covers only 50 percent […]

  • Published
    March 15, 2012

    More letters to the editor, March 15, 2012Rush Limbaugh object of ‘thug tactics,’ mob rule

    I listen to Talk Radio every day, as it is the only voice of conservatism in a sea of liberal bias. I am very concerned over the “thug” tactics being used to remove Rush Limbaugh from the air. Liberals love “freedom of speech” as long as it fits their agenda, but as soon as it’s […]

  • Published
    March 14, 2012

    Letters to the Editor, March 14, 2012More views on West End church reuse

    Your recent editorial concerning Williston-West Church misapprehends the path of the public discourse (“More work needed on West End church plan,” March 3). Neighborhood meetings were held to attempt a consensus position. The abandoned church is a difficult building because, unlike St. Lawrence Church, which is on an arterial street, Williston is tucked into the […]

  • Published
    March 13, 2012

    Letters to the editor, March 13, 2012Why end the GoMaine van program?

    Two weeks ago, GoMaine van riders were informed the program would be abruptly ending on May 1. Riders were stunned not just because this is an excellent program and good for our environment and our roads, but also because program revenues from rider fares have exceeded program costs by $160,000 over the past four years. […]