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  • Published
    January 11, 2011

    Letters to the Editor:It’s cruel to delay retirement

    We notice that those who want to raise the Social Security retirement age tend to work in offices. Masons, carpenters, fishermen, loggers, mill workers, all who work at hard labor, look at things differently. Many find their bodies start to give out around 50 years of age, rheumatoid arthritis sets in, their joints become painful, […]

  • Published
    January 10, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 10, 2011Governor’s pardon was courageous

    Gov. John Baldacci ended his term in office with an act of courage and compassion by pardoning Touch Rin Svay.<br ><br >Svay was born in a Thai refugee camp and came to the U.S. as a child. After attending Portland schools, he served his adopted country by enlisting in the Marines. But through a bad stroke of fate, he never became a U.S. citizen, though he was eligible to do so.<br ><br >As a 21-year-old, Svay made a terrible mistake. He drove while drunk, crashed a car and killed his sister. He served a jail term, put his life back together and began earning money to help support her children. He has contributed in other ways to his family and his community.

  • Published
    January 9, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 9, 2011Lost Canadian denied hospitality

    Several weeks ago, a Canadian citizen, following his GPS to find the shortest way home, strayed across the border into Maine. Any civilized country would have welcomed him, offered sympathy for his lost condition, given him a map, and invited him to come again and stay longer next time — “Maine: Worth a Visit, Worth […]

  • Published
    January 8, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 8, 2011Good Samaritans abound in Portland

    One recent evening around 5 p.m., I was walking down Preble Street to my parking garage on Cumberland Avenue to head home for the holiday weekend. It’s a walk I have done thousands of times since moving our offices to Monument Square in 1999. As I approached the corner of Preble and Cumberland, I stepped […]

  • Published
    January 7, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 7, 2011Right decision in Verrill Dana case

    I was so pleased to read of Justice Donald Alexander’s decision that six Verrill Dana lawyers had not breached any ethical rules in the Duncan matter. Over the years, I have come to know and greatly admire the firm and its members, and I was heartened that the judge’s decision confirmed my view of them. […]

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  • Published
    January 7, 2011

    More letters to the editor, Jan. 7, 2011There are no ‘death panels’ in Obamacare

    A column by Cal Thomas in the Dec. 30 Portland Press Herald must be answered, as his facts are wrong, his language inflammatory, and he gives evidence of having absolutely no idea of what the recent rule announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) represents (“Death counseling back in Obamacare”). He also […]

  • Published
    January 6, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 6, 2011Dirigo insurance shouldn’t be ended

    As the Christmas season ends and the new year begins, I am deeply grateful for many things, not least the early diagnosis and excellent treatment I received for breast cancer in 2010. I’m thankful for my employer-provided insurance — Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, through DirigoChoice. Dirigo’s excellent preventative care and prescription coverage, plus hospital and […]

  • Published
    January 5, 2011
    Benjamin Olivarez

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 5, 2011Too much wasted on military

    The front pages of The Portland Press Herald properly feature local news items that are of central interest to us all. But we must turn to the inner pages of the newspaper to be aware that our nation is still at war. We are in the ninth year of fighting in two countries at a […]

  • Published
    January 4, 2011
    Paul LePage, Sawin Millett

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 4, 2011Some advice for a new governor

    Having served as co-director of Gov. Angus King’s transition team with primary responsibility for making recommendations to Gov.-elect Paul LePage for hiring senior staff members and the Cabinet, there are a few principles you may wish to consider: 1. Once you take office, be careful what you say. It has a way of becoming state […]

  • Published
    January 3, 2011

    Letters to the editor, Jan. 3, 2011People with jobs will also have food

    The 5-year-old looked up at his mother and said, “Mommy, I’m hungry.” “No, dear,” she replied, “you are obviously unable to read the newspaper or you would understand that you are suffering from ‘food insecurity.’ “ “What’s that?” he asked. “Well,” she began, “that is when you think you want food but you are not sure […]