PublishedAugust 11, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 11, 2010:New Hampshire has little to offer us
Tony Payne’s column comparing Maine to New Hampshire is an insult to the great state of Maine (“Maine should take lessons from its neighbor,” Aug. 1). New Hampshire is a socially and morally bankrupt state. Its laws that permit the sale of fireworks while prohibiting their use in the state is an example of this. […]
PublishedAugust 10, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 10, 2010:Don’t count some graduates as ‘dropouts’
I join urgently in the outcry over designating as “dropouts” students who take five or more years to graduate from high school. Maine educators have exerted themselves for years to help teenagers who struggle in school to “stay the course,” to graduate. It requires character and courage for an adolescent, who may learn slowly or […]
PublishedAugust 9, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 9, 2010Health care law still a mystery
I want to say thank you to David Clough of the National Federation for Independent Business for his recent commentary (“New law places huge burdens on small businesses,” July 31) pointing out one of the many hidden, untold treasures found within the new health care law. I apparently missed that topic being discussed by our […]
PublishedAugust 8, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 8, 2010CMP grid expansion not necessary
The paper reported on July 28 (“Permit clears way for CMP to start power grid update”) that Central Maine Power Co. has received its final federal permit to begin working on the $1.4 billion upgrade to its transmission system. The paper failed to mention that this environmentally and financially expensive project wouldn’t be necessary were […]
PublishedAugust 7, 2010
More letters to the editor, Aug. 7, 2010Dechaine case keeps readers involved
Nowhere is the need to avoid judicial conflict of interest more pressing than when it may affect the very freedom of an individual imprisoned for life or the certainty due a murder victim’s family that the real murderer is no longer at large. Both are powerfully present in the case of Dennis Dechaine. We are […]
PublishedAugust 7, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 7, 2010Kayaking safety rules important
Since the two kayakers were lost off Ram Island, I have looked at most of the safety advice available on the Internet. There are so many items that potential users of that information may tire of reading those long lists of things that probably won’t happen. Yet the following three items that I think are […]
PublishedAugust 6, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 6, 2010Don’t build more N-power plants
President Obama’s nuclear energy strategy is disastrous. In “Small is Beautiful,” British economist E.F. Schumacher warned: “Ionising radiation has become the most serious agent of pollution and greatest threat to man’s survival on Earth.” 1. Carbon-14 has a half life of 5,900 years, which is how long its radioactivity declines to half of what it […]
PublishedAugust 5, 2010
More letters to the editor, Aug. 5, 2010:Various views on LePage, GOP
In his July 30 opening salvo to discredit the gubernatorial candidacy of Paul LePage, columnist Bill Nemitz peevishly implies that LePage is an adherent of “creationism.” Grand Inquisitor Nemitz apparently stays awake at night worrying and praying that LePage will deviate from media-sanctified secularist doctrine and, God forbid, support the teaching of creationism in public […]
PublishedAugust 5, 2010
Letters to the editor, Aug. 5, 2010:Let independents have own debate
We all feel the downturn in the economy, and too many of us are fed up with what our government and the parties have become. That is why I am amazed to see the media continuing to support the same old parties and doesn’t want to bring the public new news and information. When I […]
PublishedAugust 4, 2010
Letters to the editor:Help state workers with retirement
The recent articles and editorial on the “rising state pension liability” and “state workers joining Social Security” mention that more than half of the state workers fail to vest in the retirement system and do not receive a state pension. They “relinquish all the contributions that the state made on their behalf.” Of equal importance […]
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