PublishedApril 4, 2010
Letters to the editor, April 4, 2010Lawmaker voted against own bill
I would like to clarify part of an article by Ethan Wilensky-Lanford titled “Lawmakers approve saltwater license” (March 27). The writer stated that Sen. David Trahan, R-Waldoboro, had sponsored the bill that was approved by the House and Senate. I would like to clarify that Sen. Trahan indeed initially sponsored LD 1432, but it was […]
PublishedApril 3, 2010
More letters to the editor, April 3, 2010Politics taking control of life
Socialism, socialism, socialism. We’re all socialists now. With this bright future, we all need to look at it clearly. Should we consider the old Soviet Union, or how about Cuba, or North Korea? We can surely be more positive than that. Maybe our future is the Western European model where 10 percent unemployment is now […]
PublishedApril 3, 2010
Letters to the editor, April 3, 2010Sen. Snowe blames Democrats when they deserve praise
Sen. Olympia Snowe singles out Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the “divisiveness and bickering” (“Snowe faults Reid, Pelosi for blocking health bill changes,” March 30) in the successful passage of the national health reform bill. It is difficult to understand Snowe’s fundamental opposition when Joe Ditre, executive director of […]
PublishedApril 2, 2010
Letters to the Editor, April 2, 2010UMaine a valuable resource
The University of Maine is being forced to make drastic reductions in its course offerings due to Maine’s poor economy and loss of state revenues. The effects of these reductions will be felt for years to come in many facets of Maine’s economy, Maine’s students and Maine schools. The elimination of majors in foreign languages, […]
PublishedApril 1, 2010
More letters to the editor, April 1, 2010Catholic stand on funding appalling, appealing
The recent article concerning the Roman Catholic Church’s recall of funding from Preble Street’s Homeless Justice program would be laughable if it weren’t so sad and hypocritical (“Diocese penalizes homeless aid group,” March 24). Sue Bernard, the spokeswoman for the Diocese of Portland, states that funding was withdrawn because the Diocese “requires agencies that receive […]
PublishedApril 1, 2010
Letters to the editor, April 1, 2010Health care too vital for partisanship
Health care fatigue, anyone? What many conservatives and Republicans don’t seem to understand are the personal and immediate health needs that people have every day. Their ideology does not include a way to address real-life issues that the average person or family faces every day because their “marketplace” fixes are long-term solutions to problems that […]
PublishedMarch 31, 2010
Letters to the editor, March 31, 2010Dental school would benefit Maine
The University of New England has spent many years studying the feasibility of, and now planning for, a College of Dental Medicine in Maine. This is a college for the entire state with students learning and practicing at community clinics all over Maine. UNE takes its mission seriously in responding to the critical shortage of […]
PublishedMarch 30, 2010
Letters to the editor, March 30, 2010No wind power near Bigelow, please
In June 1976, the voters of Maine made the extremely wise decision to protect and preserve the natural treasure that is the Bigelow Mountain Range, located in both Franklin and Somerset counties. At that time, this incredible area was threatened by a development plan that would have transformed it into an “Aspen of the East” […]
PublishedMarch 29, 2010
Letters to the editor: March 29, 2010
Plan for Maine train: Pain or plain? Much has been made of the $30 million coming to Maine to provide passenger rail service from Portland to Brunswick. Politicians and civic leaders are grabbing the microphone from each other to extol the benefits of slow rail, a third-world infrastructure. I could understand if the train were […]
PublishedMarch 28, 2010
Letters to the editor: March 28, 2010
Strippers don’t belong in paper Soft porn, as described by Wikipedia, “is a form of filmic or photographic pornography or erotica that is less sexually explicit than hard-core pornography.” That is what not-so-tastefully graced the front page of the Maine Sunday Telegram on March 14. Is this a family publication or a prelude to Hustler […]
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