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    1947 fire: Goose Rocks - Press Herald file photo | of | Share this photo

    Damage at Goose Rock Beach.

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    1947 fire: Goose Rocks - Press Herald file photo | of | Share this photo

    Private James Gorman, a National Guardsman, stands watch against looting at the ruins of a house in Kennebunkport's Goose Rocks section following the devastating fires of 1947.

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    1947 fire: Goose Rocks - Associated Press | of | Share this photo

    The desolation of Goose Rocks immediately after the fire.

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    1947 fire: Goose Rocks - Courtesy of the Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk, Maine | of | Share this photo

    Goose Rocks Beach after the fire.

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    1947 fire: Goose Rocks - Press Herald file photo | of | Share this photo

    This photo from 1964 shows the ''girls'' of the Goose Rocks Beach Company of firefighters. Formerly limited to being members of the auxilliary, women trained as members of the company after the fire of 1947 showed the community how difficult it is to fight widespread fires with a limited number of men. Here, Clarie Nickerson, Lady Calley, Ann Ritchie and Barbara Willey practice their skills on a rubbish fire. Clarie Nickerson's house was miraculously spared during the 1947 fire while other homes around her's burned to the ground.
