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    The beating heart of a lost son - | of | Share this photo

    Tim Conley's picture sits among family photographs. When Conley died, his heart, liver, kidney and pancreas helped save four people. Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer

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    The beating heart of a lost son - Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Sue Ellen Monaghan listens with a stethoscope to the heart of her son, Tim Conley, beating in Jon Claflin’s chest.

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    The beating heart of a lost son - | of | Share this photo

    Jon Claflin speaks about what it was like to be on the heart transplant waiting list and how much it changed his life to receive Tim Conley’s heart. Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer

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    The beating heart of a lost son - | of | Share this photo

    The family of Tim Conley and Sue Ellen Monaghan gather to meet Jon Claflin, who was critically sick with congestive heart failure before receiving Conley’s heart. Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer

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    The beating heart of a lost son - | of | Share this photo

    Tim Conley

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    The beating heart of a lost son - | of | Share this photo

    Tim Conley’s Home Depot apron, signed by co-workers offering condolences. Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer

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    The beating heart of a lost son - | of | Share this photo

    Jon Claflin and his wife, Sue Claflin, are surrounded by the family of Tim Conley and Sue Ellen Monaghan while they talk about how their lives have been changed by Conley’s donated heart. Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer
