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    ALARIA (also known as winged kelp) is similar to Japanese wakame, and imparts delicate flavor to miso soups, salads, rice and beans. It can also be roasted for chips.

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    Most often used dried in nutritional supplements or body care products, BLADDERWRACK can be added to broth, soups and stews, and drunk as a tea.

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    Versatile DULSE can be eaten raw as a snack or diced and added to salads, soups, chowders and chilis. Add dulse flakes to bread or pizza dough. In Iceland, it is eaten with butter.

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    EGG WRACK OR ROCKWEED is used for clam bakes, and lobster pounds pack lobster in it for shipping. In powdered form, it is used in drinks and teas.

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    GRACILARIA is used by cooks around the world, including in Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines, in salads, as a thickener, or made into vegetable-based gelatins. Efforts exist to start cultivating it in Maine, though it is not now harvested or sold here.

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    SUGAR KELP adds flavor to broths and stews, including dashi, and makes beans more digestible. Use in sauces and salad dressings, or add to vegetables and grains.

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    Carrageenan, a gelling agent found in IRISH MOSS, has long been used as a thickener in food, including ice cream, instant puddings and jams. Use it at home to thicken soups, stews, pies, salad dressings and other dishes.

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    HORSETAIL KELP can also be used to thicken soups and broths. In Japan and China, it is used to make dashi, a soup stock.

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    Also known as "wild Atlantic nori," LAVER is related to the nori used in the sushi you order in restaurants. It can be eaten as a snack or added to soups, salads, pasta, grains and vegetables. Pairs well with chocolate and ginger.

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    SEA LETTUCE can become a little bitter when cooked, so it is best served raw. Add it to a salad like any other lettuce, or put it in an omelette.
