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Nation & World

  • Published
    April 6, 2011

    Arctic ozone shows worst depletion ever

    The buildup of damaging chemicals and an exceptionally cold stratosphere are blamed.

  • Published
    April 6, 2011

    Rebel leader: NATO attacks falling short in Libya

    Abdel-Fattah Younis criticizes the alliance for failing to protect civilians despite a U.N. mandate.

  • Published
    April 6, 2011

    Study: Asian American students outstrip peers

    As policymakers over the past decade focused on closing the achievement gap between white students and underrepresented minorities, another rift was widening: the one between Asian American students and everyone else. A new study from the Center on Education Policy underscores how significantly Asian American students outpace their peers. The data focus on student achievement […]

  • Published
    April 6, 2011

    Company touts biggest rocket since moon flight

    WASHINGTON — A high-tech entrepreneur unveiled plans Tuesday to launch the world’s most powerful rocket since man went to the moon. Space Exploration Technology has already sent the first private rocket and capsule into Earth’s orbit as a commercial venture. It is now planning a rocket that could lift twice as much cargo into orbit […]

  • Published
    April 6, 2011

    Study sees heavy drinking by teens on the rise

    Marijuana and Ecstasy use also has increased and many teens surveyed didn't see it as a big deal.

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  • Published
    April 6, 2011

    Workers stem flow of radiation at Fukushima plant

    Officials say contaminated water will dissipate in the sea, but new guidelines are imposed for seafood.

  • Published
    April 6, 2011
    Paul Ryan, Tom McClintock

    In Focus: GOP puts Medicare,Medicaid on chopping block

    House Republicans set up a politically defining clash over the size and priorities of government Tuesday, unveiling a budget plan that calls for both unprecedented spending cuts and a fundamental restructuring of taxpayer-financed health care for the elderly and the poor. The plan would slash federal spending by $5 trillion or more over the coming […]

  • Published
    April 5, 2011

    High court upholds state support for church schools

    WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court’s conservative majority opened the door for new state support for religious schools, ruling that special tax credits that pay for children to go to church schools cannot be challenged by dissenting taxpayers. The 5-4 decision is a major win for those who support the “school choice” movement and aid to […]

  • Published
    April 5, 2011
    John Boehner

    Obama opens talks to avoid shutdown

    With Friday's deadline approaching, Republicans say bigger spending cuts are needed now and later.

  • Published
    April 5, 2011
    Barack Obama

    Obama begins pursuit of another term

    He emails supporters to say he's running again, this time more on his record than on the promise of change.