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letter to the editor

  • Published
    August 11, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Pesticide warning stirs memories of children’s calls for caution

    When my two daughters were small, and I saw a spider (either on an inside wall or outside the house), I would quickly step on it or kill it with a rolled-up newspaper. There weren’t a lot of them, but if my two young daughters saw me go after one, they would scream, “Daddy! Don’t […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Biased news story offers negative portrayal of Deering

    As parents of graduates and upperclassmen at Deering High School, we were dismayed by a recent article about the school. This sensationalized article doesn’t depict the school we know, where our children are receiving an excellent education. The Aug. 3 article failed to highlight the many outstanding achievements and activities happening at Deering. Instead, it relied […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Stopping gun deaths starts with pressure on Washington

    With the recent shootings, it is time to stop talking and do something. What can you do? How about writing your member of Congress and your senators to pass legislation outlawing assault-type rifles, requiring stringent background checks for all gun sales and limiting the magazines of guns and rifles to no more than five bullets? […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Preserve freedom of choice for Portland high-schoolers

    I was relieved to read Superintendent Xavier Botana’s Aug. 7 letter about how Portland Public Schools will create a process “striving to understand the reasons students select schools and how to avoid another large single-year swing” such as the one between Deering and Portland high schools this fall. A related story, in the Aug. 3 […]

  • Published
    August 10, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Right-whale rules can coexist with lobster fishery

    Gear marking and vessel surveys could help ensure that any restrictions are broad enough to protect whales but narrow enough to sustain the fishery.

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  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Pingree fails to stand up for Israel’s right to exist

    I must have been asleep. Living in Maine during the summertime – sunshine and warm water, lobsters and ice cream. However, far away, in Washington, D.C., Congress voted on H.Res. 246, “Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel.” Although the vote was 398-17 in […]

  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Newspaper overlooks celebration of Portland-Shinagawa partnership

    I am disappointed with the Portland Press Herald for not covering the July 16-18 celebration of the 35th anniversary of Portland’s sister-city relationship with Shinagawa, Japan. What’s the point of having a sister-city relationship if the newspaper doesn’t feel that it is newsworthy enough to cover? On our 30th anniversary, when our delegation traveled to […]

  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Improvements are drawing students to Portland High

    The choice of PHS is linked as much to the school's solid academic, athletic and co-curricular offerings as it is to Deering's perceived shortcomings.

  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Support candidates who will restrict sale of assault weapons

    In April, less than one month after a shooting at a mosque killed 51 people, the New Zealand Parliament banned military-style and most semi-automatic weapons. By a vote of 119 to 1. Because it was the right thing to do. In 2019, to date, according to the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive, 273 people in the […]

  • Published
    August 8, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Have we had enough yet?

    It's time not only to pass strong gun control laws but also to 'denounce anyone who fosters terrorism ... even if that individual is the president.'