working waterfront
PublishedFebruary 23, 2024
Mills makes formal requests for federal disaster relief from January storms
The state estimates that the storms caused $70.3 million in damage to roads, piers and other public infrastructure.
PublishedFebruary 11, 2024
January storms leave many working waterfronts in Maine adrift
Back-to-back natural disasters caused significant damage to Maine's coastal infrastructure, leaving some wharf owners to wonder what it will take to rebuild and how they'll pay for it.
PublishedJanuary 23, 2024
Maine Beer Co. donates $30,000 to Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association for storm recovery
The funds will be used to help rebuild the working waterfront after the recent storms.
PublishedSeptember 7, 2023
Maine seaweed farming conference promotes sustainable growth
International experts share the best ways to promote the $6 billion global industry, including nearly 1 million pounds harvested from the Gulf of Maine.
PublishedMarch 8, 2023
Small towns get tool to help efforts to preserve working waterfronts
Harpswell plans to be among the users of a new inventory template to assess the economic impact of their marine industries.
PublishedJanuary 3, 2023
Yarmouth nonprofit preserves a piece of working waterfront
More than 30 small marine enterprises work out of the Sea Meadow Marine center, which also offers education programs and has plans for an eco-friendly expansion.
PublishedJanuary 4, 2022
Sale of Portland’s historic Union Wharf to research institute is finalized
The Gulf of Maine Research Institute said in November that it would buy the wharf, which dates to the 18th century.
PublishedDecember 27, 2021
Nonprofit buys Yarmouth property to preserve working waterfront
The 12-acre purchase is part of a larger effort to maintain waterfront property for marine uses along the Maine coast.
PublishedDecember 5, 2021
Our View: It will take work to save Maine’s working waterfront
The state and private sector need to work together to preserve an institution that’s crucial to the state’s economy and character.
PublishedDecember 1, 2021
Maine’s working waterfronts facing a tidal wave of threats, Island Institute report finds
The new report cites a lack of infrastructure, support, access, affordable housing and legal protections, as well as increasing risks from climate change.