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Looking for a Job? Meet with recruiters one-on-one for 10 minutes over Zoom.
How does it work?
• Check out the employers and their open positions below
• Schedule your ten-minute appointment with as many employers as you’d like
at this virtual event, just like a traditional job fair

Please note: Appointments are limited and must be scheduled in advance.
Also, attend the two free career development seminars offered. Information below.

How to Articulate Your Personal Value Proposition with David Lee

David Lee is a career and job interview coach at Heart at Work Associates. He especially enjoys working with young professionals wanting to find a job that makes the most of their skills and interests, and a career direction that they find soul-satisfying.

How to Position Yourself to Be Hired After 50 with Barbara Babkirk

Barbara Babkirk is a Master Career Counselor and principal at Heart At Work Associates, a career counseling and outplacement firm in Portland that assists with work transitions. Barbara’s specialty is working with 50+ professionals who are exploring their next chapter.