star wars
PublishedJanuary 4, 2016
Flashback: A long time ago, at a theater not far away…
A Press Herald file photograph shows kids waiting in line for 'Star Wars: A Phantom Menace' in 1999.
PublishedDecember 16, 2015
Review: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is fun fan service
From the opening scroll to the sequel-setup ending, J.J. Abrams manages to hit each beat of its 38-year-old predecessor.
PublishedDecember 15, 2015
Video: Stellar cast arrives for ‘Star Wars’ intergalactic premiere
At the Monday premiere in Hollywood, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Anthony 'C-3PO' Daniels were joined by franchise newcomers John Boyega, Daisy Ridley and many more.
PublishedDecember 14, 2015
‘Star Wars’ returns with force in Hollywood premiere
The film screens at three theaters to give 5,000 guests the chance to watch it.
PublishedDecember 13, 2015
Full ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ coverage: Generations of Maine fans show their love
PublishedDecember 13, 2015
A Star Wars Primer
See, there's the Force and then there's the Dark Side...
PublishedDecember 13, 2015
The women of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ talk about blasting barriers
Meaty roles like ace pilot Rey and villainous Captain Phasma bode well as the franchise moves forward.
PublishedDecember 13, 2015
First-timer’s reaction to cultural phenomenon: Too many fight scenes
Coming in late to the 'Star Wars' party makes it hard to approach the first three films with childish imagination.
PublishedDecember 13, 2015
Feeling the pull of ‘the Force’: ‘Star Wars’ exerts its cultural influence on the lives of Mainers
Over nearly 40 years, the film series has served as a cultural primer, a school-year equalizer, a shared family tradition, and a reminder of the simple joys of youth and a good story.
PublishedDecember 13, 2015
Maine fans have high hopes for ‘The Force Awakens’
Director J.J. Abrams inspires confidence that the new movie will be worthy.