The following full-time students have been named to the University of Southern Maine dean’s list for the 2008 fall semester. To be included, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.4 or above, and carry a minimum of 12 credit hours.
Cumberland County
Bridgton: Miles Gervais, Nicholas Moore, Melissa Rivet, Angela Yannelli
Cape Elizabeth: Spencer Blair-Glantz, Jonathan Braff, Katelyn Bruzgo, Mariah Carver, Elizabeth Digre, Alexander Fabish, Jose Gonzalez, Brian Hatt, Ashley LaRose, Benjamin Philbrick, Amanda Romero, David Snyder, Gretchen Struzziero
Casco: Laura Berry, Jennifer Cyr, Scott Libby
Cumberland: Carrie Allen, Caroline Breton, Sarah Buck, Erin Daigle, Eric Favreau, Hannah Lincoln, Kalan Marciniak, Danielle Netland, Alexander Silverman
Falmouth: Jessica DiBiase, Ryan Duffy, Daniel Frazee, Patrick Halpin, Justine Haverinen, Selena Joannides, Kelani Martin, Abbie McEwen, Lindsay Monn, Kent Murdick, Michael Royer, Benjamin Rybeck, Megan Shean, Nicholas Sotiropoulos
Gorham: Rebecca Bauer, Erica Benson, Krista Bertalan, Christopher Chasse, Abraham Dailey, Colin Feeney, Ora Freeman, Rachel Friedlander, Brandon Gavett, Stephanie Gilbert, Nicholas Greenier, Nathanael Hasbrouck, Brietta Hopkins, Garrett King,
Kathryn Leeper, Kristin Loranger, Ruth Maston, Gilbert Michaud,
Shauna Nicholson, Anna Pease, Kevin Pillsbury, Joshua Plowman, Kyle Pomerleau, Amy Poulin, Rebecca Richards, Erinn Ridge, Mark Roberts, Amanda Roy, Daniel Sanford, Benjamin Toye, David Wallace
Gray: Marcus Bagala, Amanda Barton, Julie Brewer, Kristia Dickson, Madison Jamba, Kyle Oliver, Ashleigh Poole, Jillian Stauble, Michelle Strattard, Alexander Szendrei
Naples: Ashlea Allen, Sarah Hale, Mark Rowland, Anna Stewart
New Gloucester: Heather Campbell, Erin Cannon, Theresa Cook, Ross Gauvin, Elizabeth Godsoe, Hilary Smith, Brittany Tanguay
North Bridgton: Kimberly Tremblay
Raymond: Janessa Brewer, Amy McIntire, Sarah Montalvo, Theresa Sepulveda
Scarborough: Thomas Arsenault, Stephanie Babirak, Brandon Baines, Holly Bean, John Cadorette, Jacqueline Cascella, Shane Christy, Caitlyn Della Torre, Melissa Donahue, John Fitts, Isaac Freeman, Christopher Gagne, Kayla Goode, Alexander Herbert,
Rebecca Johnson, Kerstin Kirchner, Chloe Kurkarnaza, Joseph Lemelin, Jillian Magee, Bonnie Mincher, Ashley Poidomani, Jeffre Soules, Michael Thurlow, Margaret Wright
Sebago: Mayleen Farrington, Eric Wood
South Portland: David Arnold, Holly Arsenault, Sebastian Ascanio, Antonina Berube, Mary Lee Blackburn, Nikkilee Carleton, Angelique Carson, Annie Cavallaro, Lauren Clarke, Heather Derrig, Paige Dominicus, Amanda Fickett, Sandy Gilbreath, Elizabeth Jones, Nicholas Jones, Germaine Kapena, Crystal Labbe, Emily Ledue, Allison Libby, Jennifer Licari, Joshua Lobkowicz, Dawn Malkiewicz, Michelle Morton, Jennifer Murray, Violetta Obarewicz, Christine Reed, Meghan Reny, Rolanda Samson, Alexander Sargent, Ann Schulz, Aaron Sypek, Lindsay Tibbetts, Viet Tran, Bojan Vanovac
Standish: Samantha Bailey, Breanna Bellefontaine, Jennifer Carter, Sabrina Hammond, Ryan Hartman, Amy Hildreth, Jane McKay, Brent Profenno, Derek Richardson, Shane Roma, Hannah Schraeter, Annie Scriven, Lindsay Sullivan, Joshua Talbot, Matthew Thompson
Steep Falls: Ashley Call, Artemas Foster
West Baldwin: Seija Sedita
Westbrook: Violeta Anghel, Shilo Annis, Amber Brimstin, Craig Carey, Anthony Dahms, Nhi Dam, Cassandra Flannery, Gregory Fusillo, Nancy Grady, Kelsey Herbert, Dale Horton, Joey-Lynne Huwyler, Jacob LaViolet, Shawn McDonough, Kimberly Meserve, Eric Moberg, Samantha Peters, Maria Romano, Kristyn Stroud, William Wood
Windham: Alexis Albert, Laura Bramley, Marissa Caminiti, Diana Currier, Angela Cyr, Brandon Foster, Oksana Gorelov, Joanie Grondin, Martha Harvey, Kara Jacobsky, Sarah Linden, Mary Macdonald, Kristina McHugh, Seth Robinson, Erin Susbury, Danielle Williams
York County
Acton: Sandra Simonds
Alfred: Bethany Peterson
Arundel: Jason Engler, Ashley Parker, John Rittershaus
Berwick: Patrick Burke
Biddeford: Andrew Allaire, Melissa Beauregard, Stephanie Clapp, Daniel Clark, Jennifer Demers, Dana Elie, Gianna Franco, Monique Gagnon, Melina Huot, David Lafortune, Andrea Lapointe, Joshua Lessard, Michael Martel, Dionisios Sparangis, Keirsten Straub,
Sarah Swain, Nathan Tarbox, Monica Tate, Meredith Treat, Ann Wittman
Buxton: Danielle Caron, Radostin Draganov, Andre Juarez, Jennifer Key, Melanie Prescott, Katherine Thomas
East Waterboro: Casey Allen, Llia Dunham-Conway, Vanessa Veilleux
Hollis Center: Vanessa Dyer, Britney Nelson
Kennebunk: William Fulford, Kerry Gornall, Jonathan Gross, Dominique Hilton, William Larkin, Thomas Rothrock, Kayla Shepard, Kelsey Shields, Dylan Stalnaker
Kennebunkport: J Clymer Berry, Danielle Campbell, Kaitlyn Oddy, Julia Schmidt
Kittery: Emma Brake, Thomas Knox, James LaMarca
Kittery Point: Lora Bonsaint, Charlie Nickell
Lebanon: Jesse Bickford, Colleen Parks, Erin Watson
Limerick: Hattie Pellegrino, Trevor Sage
Limington: Jessica Nickerson, Josiah Plummer
Lyman: Jill Driscoll, Kristen Stearns
North Waterboro: Lisa DeMoss, Matthew Fletcher
North Berwick: Margaret Edelstein, Liana Hobgood, Kyle Lincoln, Kassi Tibbetts
North Waterboro: Justine Boss, Kyle Connolly, Karen Hamilton, Maria Little, Alicia Sousa
Ogunquit: Sarah LeBlanc
Old Orchard Beach: Jocelyn Bouffard, Benantonio Forgione, Joshua Grant, Joseph Guarino, Jason Hastings, Rachel Hooper, Whitney Huard-Charette, Nikolay Maltsev, Hilary Manuel, Ashley O’Bar, Moira Rascati, Corey Smith
Parsonsfield: Lawrence Stevenson
Saco: Nicholas Anagnostis, Colin Benham, Sandra Birdsall, Brianna Brown, Michael Campbell, Haley Carter, Laura Chaisson, Derek Douville, Jessica Fortier, Matthew Guillerault, Christopher MacDonald, Joshua Morin, Carrie Nadeau, Kimberly Nevers, Barbara Perkins, Ryan Pike, Joseph Pupecki, Michael Schell, Chad Scribner, Ashley Sevigny, Kelsey Shea, Karen Unglaub, Jenelle Ventura, Taryn Yudaken
Sanford: Britany Beauchesne, Bethany Bougie, Amy Boyce, Man Chan, Nichole Harnett, Sophaktra Heng, Brooke McGowan, Vanessa Murphy, Karissa Nelsen, Megan Provencher, Daniel Thibeault, Steffon Tranchemontagne, Stephanie Wall
Shapleigh: Rachael Creisher
South Berwick: Brandon Dionne, Tammy Johnson
Springvale: Casey Cox, Jenilee Palmer
Waterboro: Amanda Hussey, Kristy Kendrick, Justin Levesque, Reah Zeeh
Wells: Maria Di Gangi, Luke Freeman, Meredith Lamothe, Benjamin Mann, Meghan McCaffrey, Joshua Merrill, Morgan Paine, Curtis Pratt, Courtney Rafferty, Renate Repele
West Kennebunk: Meghan Rousselle
West Newfield: Jennifer Power, Rebecca Smith
York: Jessica Coffey, Emily Goering, Tyler Ruger
York Beach: Amanda Fiandaca, Troy Williams
Portland: Ruqiya Abdulle, Sofia Agopian, Kelly Ahearn, Lorie Albert, Hamdi Ali, Reed Allen, Jesse Altman, Kayla Artinyan, Adinah Barnett, Anne Bartlett, Janelle Beaudry, Justin Beauregard, Annabelle Bechtle, Danielle Bernier, Michelle
Bernier, Alison Berry, Marguerite Birrell, Michaele Black, Brian Blenkhorn, Stanislav Boyadjiev, Daniel Boyden, Annie Bradbury, Erica Burkhart, Everett Buron, Bailey Burrington, Johanna Cairns, Maxwell Chikuta, Amanda Ciciotte, Drew Clark, Nathan Clark,
Brian Clement, Kalie Cole, Martha Connolly, Ursula Copenheaver,
Thomas Cothran, Emily Courand, Timothy Davis, Nicole Daya, Roberta de Sousa, Michelle Debartolo-Stone, Ross Demers, Lucas Desmond, Jennifer Dick, Brianna DiDonato, Sarah Dietz, Donald Dumont, Ciera Dye, William Edgar, Benjamin Ettelman, Gina
Fasulo, Lauren Faulkner, Alissa Feinberg, Evelina Forte, Joshua Francis, RyanFrancis,
Tatum Frederick, Nathaniel Frein, Danielle Gagne, Kaitlyn Gatchell,
Rositsa Gavazova,
Sarah Gebert, Valerie Gemuend, Lindsay Germaine, Danielle Giacobbe,
Wynter Giddings,
Alexander Goan, Bradley Gonya, Heidi Graceffa, Christopher Grimaldi,
Eleonor Guizdeva,
Erika Hale, Louis Hall, Zoe Hallowell, Melissa Hamilton, Lorraine
Harmon, Shawn Harmon,
Christine Hawkins, Sarah Hayes, Burke Hazard, Gudlaug Hermannsdottir,
Christopher Hickey, Benjamin Hilton, Jeffrey Hodenberg, Edward
Holmes, Sarah Howard,
Frederick Iberger, Michael Johnson, Samuel Jones, Jack Kane, Hannah
Mitchell Kessler, Kyle Kilgour, Asa Korsen, Nathan Korthy,
Christopher LaPointe,
Steven Lee, Ryan Lefebvre, Alexander Lehnen-Sgroi, Jesse Leighton,
Sean Lent,
Andrea Liming, Sharaya Linscott, Arien Lison, Anthony Lucchese,
Andrew Lumb,
Emily Macconnell, Adam Marquis, Lisa Martell, Kelly McCormick, Casey
Kate McMahon, John Melville, Alexander Merrill, Rebecca Mischel, Emma
James Montgomery, Ryan Morrison, Melissa Mullineaux, Travis Nadeau,
Francesca Nappi,
James Neal, Sanja Nedic, Nicole Nelson, Bridgid Neptune, Jakeob O’Donal,
Jonathon Olesen, Catherine O’Neill, Geoffrey Page, Simon Pedisich,
Tiffany Perkins,
Jessica Perrault, Dana Peterson, Ekaterina Pichugina, Courtney Pizzo,
Allison Plourde,
Heather Powers, Lonnie Powers, Aleksandar Radosavljevic, Brittany
Randall, Jara Rice,
Jennifer Richard, Jesse Robinson, Michael Rolfe, Anna Rosenberg,
Sophia Rosendo,
Erin Rosenthal, Heather Rowe, Corey Saenz, Cullen Saintcross, Sasha
Katherine Sanborn, Dejan Saric, Berkeley Schmidt, Jessica Schwartz,
Maryam Shareef,
Vicki Sheble, James Sheller, Samuel Shorr, Austin Shoupe, Samuel Shupe,
James Spizuoco, Eleanor Springfield, Kaela Spruce, Alyson Stall,
Ivanka Stefanova,
Amanda Sterner, Igor Stojanovic, Jordan Stowell, Petar Strbac, Shawn
Sullivan, Erin Taylor,
Jacob Thich, Anthony Thomas, Mario Thompson, Robert Tingdahl, Jodie
Robert Vadakin, Brian Vail, Joseph Valliere, Jacqueline Vrba, Kristen
Casey Washburn, Benjamin Webber, Laura White, Kimberly Williams, Mary
Christine Wilson, Holly Woodman, Laura Wurst, Kerry Wynne, Jeremiah
University of Southern Maine Fall 2008 Dean’s List
Editor’s Note: This e-mail includes the USM dean’s list for FULL-TIME
students. It is arranged alphabetically by county and by towns within
counties. Technical considerations preclude providing names of
parents. If you have problems with this transmission, please contact
the USM Office of Public Affairs at 780-4200, or
Send questions/comments to the editors.
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