WASHINGTON — The children of Capitol Hill were able to do something uniquely American: call attention to a lack of rights, go forth in protest and win those rights in the end.

Last winter, a group of neighborhood kids defied a sledding ban at the Capitol and slid down the snow on the West Front, arguing it is the closest and safest hill to play on. And, when this week’s massive, year-end, $1.1 trillion appropriations bill was unveiled, members of Congress agreed.

The omnibus spending package extended a provision House appropriators attached in April, which urged the Capitol Police Board to allow sledding on Capitol Hill. The move came after kids in the surrounding neighborhood garnered national media attention for defying the sledding ban last winter. The ban did not reflect too kindly on members of Congress, who were charged as the grinches of Capitol Hill for instituting the ban.

Capitol Police argued the sledding ban was in place for security and safety purposes, noting there were sprinklers installed in the ground, and someone could get hurt. But one tipster revealed that the Capitol Police informed sledders that an unnamed congressional appropriator had insisted the ban be enforced.

Since the language was to urge, not direct, the Capitol Police Board to turn the other way when sledders charge up the Hill this winter, it’s unclear what the final Capitol Police Board decision will be. But the language shows the department where lawmakers stand when it comes to wintery fun on the Capitol campus.

So, the children of the District will likely be free to take their sleds to the Capitol this winter, if it does ever snow.

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