Candidate is defender
of people, issues
I wanted to take a moment to publicly recognize Lisa Joy Pratt, my wife of the past 18 years and current member of the Kennebunk Select Board. Beginning three years ago, before her first term, Lisa was looking for a way to positively impact our community. She felt our town could use a voice that represented the interests of young working families, older Mainers, and local businesses alike.
After winning a seat on the Select Board, Lisa rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She listened to fellow board members as well as concerned members of the community. She educated herself on pressing matters by listening to both sides of the story. And she has consistently voiced and voted in accordance to what she believes is in the public’s best interest.
With two young kids at home, and all the attendant practices, games, rehearsals, and recitals to get to; Lisa is still able to make the time to research and engage in the many essential focuses of town government. She is empathic, driven, and a fierce defender of the people and issues that matter most in our community.
I am amazed at the time, effort and consideration she gives, every day, to this position. Please join me in supporting Lisa by voting for her reelection this June. Hers is a voice we need. For prudent fiscal management, equitable community representation, and the thoughtful management of our town’s changing future.
David T. Pratt
After a late start, but still a lengthy winter, Mother Nature gave us a banner day for our 26th May Day Festival.
An event such as this takes a great deal of preparation and many volunteers. We are very lucky to live in a community where so many folks want to help. Between those that give their time, their talent and necessary materials, and money, the list is long too thank all those that are involved in May Day.
Each year we extend our gratitude to all May Day Festival volunteers, parade participants, Kennebunk Parks and Recreation, Kennebunk Police Department, Kennebunk Fire and Rescue and Public Services. Further, our sincere gratitude goes out to all that assisted in responding to the accident that injured three adults during the May Day event. Our thoughts are with those injured and all that witnessed the event. The accident is under review and the town is considering further changes to increase public safety at future events.
We’re already thinking about new ideas for next year’s event and hope you’ll consider joining us when planning begins in early 2025. Until then, Happy Spring.
Linda Johnson, community events coordinator
Kennebunk May Day Festival Committee
Candidate raises
vital questions
I’m honored to write this letter of endorsement for Abby Spadone, one of the RSU 21 School Board candidates from Kennebunk in the June 11 election. I was a school board member for six years (three as chair), and I can honestly say that Abby embodies many of the qualities that are important to effectively serve in that capacity.
Abby is a committed Kennebunk community member. She and her husband, Miles, are the parents of two young boys and have chosen to raise their family here recognizing that this community and its RSU have a legacy of excellence. In her professional role as the clinical director of Shalom House, a community-based mental health service provider, she keeps current with the multitude of required trainings, supervises the clinical staff, and works diligently at being an effective leader while always prioritizing the care of the clients.
Abby is a good listener and able to zero in on the substance of an issue. She is an open-minded thinker and not timid in raising vital questions. And if she doesn’t know the answer to a question, she will let you know and work to find the answer soon. She is passionate about and places a high priority on a public education system that functions well and serves the community to the best of its ability. She is also very collaborative and an advocate for diversity and mutual respect. I believe these attributes make for a good board member and will be recognized and valued as she interacts with students, faculty, parents, and other RSU board members.
As the RSU board looks for new members, I hope you will consider Abby Spadone. There is no doubt in my mind that she would bring a fresh perspective to the board along with her professionalism, enthusiasm, passion, and level headedness. Please cast your vote for Abby on the June 11 ballot for the RSU 21, Kennebunk board member.
Jamie Houtz
Candidate pursues
opportunity for all
I write to express my enthusiastic support for Lisa Joy Pratt’s reelection to the Kennebunk Select Board. As a resident deeply invested in the well-being of our entire community, I believe Lisa’s dedication to understanding and addressing the needs of Kennebunk residents makes her an exceptional candidate for this vital role, and she has proven her commitment and competence over these past three years as a select board member.
Lisa’s commitment to our community spans various spheres, from her involvement in the education system as a parent to her invaluable contributions as a volunteer. Her commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, responsible spending, education, safety, and ensuring opportunities for recreation has made our community safer and healthier for all.
Lisa’s dedication to sustainability shines through her proactive efforts as a member of the Climate Action Plan Task Force. Her leadership on the Climate Action Plan and collaboration on this crucial initiative highlight her commitment to mitigating the effects of climate change and fostering a more sustainable future for Kennebunk residents, businesses, and visitors. Furthermore, her advocacy for inclusivity spanning across all age-groups, underscores her commitment to ensuring that all members of our community have access to essential facilities and opportunities so they can thrive.
It is imperative that Kennebunk elects leaders who prioritize the needs of families and work tirelessly to ensure our community remains healthy, vibrant, and inclusive. Lisa Joy Pratt embodies these qualities and more, making her an ideal candidate for the Kennebunk Select Board.
Thank you for considering my perspective, and I urge my fellow residents to join me in supporting Lisa Joy Pratt for the Kennebunk Select Board.
Anush Hansen
Enjoy beaches and
leave no trace

Gooch’s Beach, Kennebunk. Dan King / Post
A few weeks ago my husband and I were walking our dogs on Gooch’s Beach in Kennebunk. It is such a beautiful place to walk and most people are grateful to have this resource available to us.
As we drew near the end of the beach, there was a large group of young people enjoying the day. They were playing a ball game, picnicking and enjoying the day. We walked past them and continued over to the rock jetty to sit and relax. We stayed for about a half hour and when we went to leave, we noticed the kids had left.
In the distance, we could see some debris and as we got closer saw empty food containers, soda bottles, plastic cups with straws. We were absolutely stunned. I know my generation has certainly contributed to the environmental conditions that exist now, but I thought today’s generation was aware of their footprint on this earth.
While I am sure the majority of young people are responsible about taking care of their trash there are obviously some who could care less and leave it for others to pick up and dispose of. Shame on you.
Peggy Miller
Admiration, respect
for candidate
I’m writing this letter of endorsement for Kirstan Watson, who is running to fill the vacant seat on RSU 21, Arundel, School Board of Directors.
I’ve known Kirstan for the past 15 years and I have a great deal of admiration and respect for her. She is intelligent, pragmatic, humble and possesses a great ability to work as a team player. I believe she would be an asset to RSU 21 because she genuinely cares about her community and truly believes in the institution for which she is volunteering.
She is open-minded and willing to consider all sides of issues, which is a very important aspect of this position. Given the opportunity, I believe Kirstan will do an outstanding job for our town and, most importantly, our children.
Please consider voting for Kirstan Watson on June 11.
Stacey Raymond
Candidate has earned
respect, support
Joe Rafferty has proven he gets things done in Augusta. We need to send him back.
When I met Joe and his wife, Norma, during his first campaign for Senate District 34, Joe knew exactly what he wanted to do if he got the opportunity. He did and two terms later, he’s done it.
Joe’s leadership as chair of the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee has earned him the respect of his colleagues and unanimous support on several important pieces of legislation aimed at helping Maine’s youth. He’s a husband and father of three with keen insight, experience and good ideas. After 42 years of coaching at Kennebunk
High School, he thoroughly knows the wider Kennebunk community and our kids.
His 100% voting record and energetic support has helped bills pass that make life better for Maine’s children, seniors, families, small businesses, and has secured property tax relief for veterans.
Vote for Joe Rafferty, so we continue to benefit from his excellent representation and winning record.
Jane Card
Immediate action is
needed in RSU 21
The RSU 21 School Board held an emergency meeting Friday about resigning board chair, Erin Nadeau. Nadeau wrote in a private Facebook exchange, “the cowards in the back cheering like they were at a … rally. Instead of sheets, they wore red,” reminding us nothing online is secret. Nadeau explained this comment about teachers wearing red in solidarity during negotiations, as “frustration” over the budget referendum, but it’s not a solitary incident. Comments from Friday’s meeting indicate other board members expressed similar sentiments made by Nadeau. There’s a history of some elected and leaders conflating racism with valid policy disagreement. This town has, and continues to, wrangle with painful racist remarks and intentions. Racism exists and must be called out, and bad policies exist, as well. It’s important to separate and address both those truths.
Superintendent Cooper emailed staff over 36 hours after Nadeau’s comments circulated Tuesday night. At 11:21 a.m. Thursday, Cooper stated, “It’s regrettable Mrs. Nadeau made these comments, especially during Teacher Appreciation Week …” Equally regrettable is this was the first mention of Teacher Appreciation Week from administration.
The district recently hired a communications director, yet, the public did not directly hear about Nadeau’s incident or resignation from the district until Friday afternoon. Parents contacted media to access Nadeau’s resignation letter, because Fox and WGME were notified of Nadeau’s departure Wednesday, not the community. Instead, dedicated parents desperately dug for information to help the community, staff and teachers heal. Every communication the public received on social media and inboxes was from parents, including the emergency meeting that was on, canceled, then on again. This information was absent from Cooper’s weekly newsletter. We are on a ship without a captain.
Teachers bravely spoke on Friday, at great risk, about how they do not feel safe, or supported by administration, which is all recorded and viewable on the RSU21 website under “Emergency Meeting: May 10.” This is required viewing for anyone interested in how things are going in the RSU. The RSU has replaced a quarter of the teaching staff in two years, and lost eight mental health supports since July. One school doesn’t have a guidance counselor. Classrooms are full with no relief in sight.
The board’s statement, “We are dedicated to restoring trust between our Board and the community. What unites us is a shared commitment to the students, teachers, and staff of RSU21” may fall flat without immediate action and accountability. We are reminded that words are harmful, but the next actions taken by the board will decide if we can steer the ship. Without meaningful action, words are wind, blowing us further off course.
Melissa McCue-McGrath
Running for
school board
My name is Matt Stratford and I’m running for RSU 21 School Board. I live in Kennebunk with my wife and our two sons who attend RSU 21 schools. As a school board member, I will bring an open mind and spirit of collaboration as I advocate for initiatives and policies that uphold academic excellence, fiscal responsibility, operational efficiencies, empower teachers to thrive, promote community collaboration, and maintain a supportive and inclusive school culture that allows all students to reach their full potential.
My professional background includes running a technology consulting company for the past 15 years, gaining expertise across a broad range of disciplines relevant to the school board including: finance, budgeting, recruiting and retention strategies, human resources, communication, and technology.
If given the opportunity to serve on the school board, I am committed to listening to all stakeholders as I carefully consider every issue and decision facing RSU 21.
Matt Stratford
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