HOUSE DISTRICT 122: South Portland



Address: 9 Stone Drive, South Portland

Contact info: 207-799-4025;

Relevant experience: State representative, House District 122; South Portland trustee, Portland Water District; co-chair, Maine AFL-CIO Legislative Committee; chair, South Portland Democratic Committee.

Why are you running for office? I am a strong believer in the importance of public service and community. Having the opportunity to help people improve their lives is a tremendous privilege and if I am reelected to the Maine House, I am prepared for the challenging work that lies ahead.


What are your top three legislative priorities? Protecting our environment should be every Mainer’s top priority. South Portland has already been hard hit by climate change, with storms last winter causing tremendous damage to our coastline. We need to take major steps now to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels.

We made major progress on gun safety this year with 72-hour waiting periods and expanded background checks. I would support a ban on assault weapons and an extreme-risk protection “red flag” law. We should also continue our support of community mental health services and provide aid to families who are victims of gun violence.

Residential property taxes are regressive, and the recent change in home values has led to enormous tax increases for South Portland homeowners. Until we can amend the Maine Constitution to allow municipalities to change their tax structure, we need to increase the Homestead Exemption and the Property Tax Fairness Credit.

Other comments: Although Mainers have benefited from recent laws protecting their right to make their own reproductive health choices, that right will remain under attack. We must continue to stand up to extremists who threaten to undermine our freedoms and safeguard the most vulnerable people in our communities.




Address: 86 Grand St., South Portland

Contact info:

Relevant experience: Former City Councilor, 2012-2013

Why are you running for office? I am running for office because I was asked to by the Republican Party to divert money from the Democrats that would otherwise be used to support another Democrat.

What are your top three legislative priorities? Eliminate sanctuary cities, cut wasteful spending by the Mills administration, affordable housing. This state cannot continue to operate as a state until the two parties can spend more time helping people instead of fighting each other.

Other comments: I am “old school” and don’t have time for petty politics. (Elected officials) are in Augusta to do the people’s work, not fight over everything.

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