HOUSE DISTRICT 124: Part of Scarborough



Address: 18 Tall Pines Road

Contact info: 883-9025

Relevant experience: I have held leadership positions in elected positions, community positions, and gubernatorial appointments. Served as school board chair and two terms on school board; chair of Scarborough 350th, chair, vice chair and secretary on three different Charter Review committees; leadership position on the recent school building committee. On a statewide basis, I chaired the state personnel board for about 15 years and served as a member of the board of arbitration and conciliation.

Why are you running for office? When I saw the legislation being passed in the last session of the Legislature that raised taxes, and failed to prioritize seniors and children, especially those on the spectrum.


What are your top three legislative priorities? Since I have been asked to name only three:

1. Spending: Government must discern the difference between needs and wants. What services are proper government services and have a positive impact on the most taxpayers? Children, seniors and veterans must be a priority for funding.

2. Declining achievement in our public schools: Return to the basics, increase instructional programs for the trades in our secondary schools and better utilize available funds. It was very disappointing that government did not use its one-time COVID funds to provide direct services to students such as tutoring or extra classroom instructional days.

3. Law and order: Bringing back cash bail, make funding for legal representation as guaranteed by law and the Constitution to those that cannot afford their own legal representation to prevent those who offend to return to the streets, and review crime classifications.

Other comments: My experience in just living in Scarborough for over 40 years paying property taxes; raising two children who went through the Scarborough school system, including a special education student; working as a volunteer guardian ad litem for children in foster care; and working as a consultant for many governmental entities, including counties, school districts, towns and water districts has given me a depth of experience in how government works at all levels that can help Scarborough in the legislative process.





Address: P.O. Box 1, Scarborough

Contact info:

Relevant experience: Two terms in the Maine House of Representatives, Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee. Brandeis University, 2019, BA in international relations. Previously worked in U.S. Sen. Angus King’s Washington office, for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism at The Hague.

Why are you running for office? Climate change led me to run for office. I grew up here in Scarborough. It is my love for and care of my community that leads me to public service and the development of sustainable and inclusive policy in Augusta. I believe we deserve an advocate for solutions that address this pressing crisis and protect our community and environment.

What are your top three legislative priorities? Climate change is my legislative priority and it is the most urgent political matter of our time, each year felt by Mainers in devastatingly stronger storms, warmer oceans and more extreme temperatures. I am committed to addressing climate change because I see its effects in my hometown every day. I see its effects across our state. To me, climate change should influence every policy decision, from transportation planning to public health investments and electrical grid development. I believe Mainers realize the scope of the threats we face, and I believe they expect us to discuss this crisis and respond with the strong action it demands.

Other comments: As a progressive advocate on climate change, I’m proud of my bipartisan work on this issue. During my first two terms, I helped pass meaningful bills with support and meaningful input across the aisle on issues from grid-scale solar to wind initiatives, and transmission regulations that require meaningful consultation with farmers, Wabanaki Nations and fishing communities, while ensuring competitive pricing that prioritizes affordability.

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