I am writing to take issue with your headline story, “Victim: Trooper driving ‘too fast.'”

I felt the story was one sided. I was in a similar accident a few years ago, though not with a trooper involved. I made a turn off of a highway just as Ms. Simmons did, and was hit by an oncoming car that I felt was going too fast. I was still cited as the cause for the accident because I violated the right of way of the oncoming car. In this case, the trooper definitely had the right of way, no matter what his speed, and Ms. Simmons violated that.

Another thing I would like to know is, was the trooper on a call and driving to it? This was not mentioned in your article. Police will often go to calls in a hurry but not turn on their warning lights unless it is absolutely necessary. I just feel that your article and huge scare headline was unfair and quick to blame State Trooper Smith for the accident.

Tony Oberley


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