THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Society’s 21st Walk MS will be held in 10 locations: Lewiston High School, Cony High School in Augusta, Brewer Auditorium, Brunswick Junior High School, Cary Medical Center in Caribou, St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Camden, Ellsworth Elementary Middle School, Scarborough High School, Consolidated Elementary School in Kennebunkport and Waterville High School. All walks are at 10 a.m. April 24 except the Caribou walk on May 1. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Walkers and volunteers may register by calling 781-7960 or online at



THE FRESH AIR FUND needs host families for New York City children this sumer. Each summer, close to 5,000 children ages 6 to 18 enjoy two-week vacations in the Northeast and Ontario, Canada. For more information on volunteering or becoming a host, call Suzanne Barr at 885-9840 or The Fresh Air Fund at (800) 367-3003 or by visiting



SIXTEEN SCHOOLS took part in the History Day competition March 24 at the University of Maine at Augusta, developing Web sites, performances, exhibits, documentaries and papers. This year’s theme was “Innovation in History: Impact and Change.” Finishing first were Buckfield Junior/Senior High School in the Junior Division, and Thornton Academy of Saco in the Senior Division. Other schools participating included Eric L. Knowlton School and Noble Middle School of Berwick, Brunswick Junior High School, Bonny Eagle middle and high schools of Buxton, Gorham Middle School, Shapleigh Middle School of Kittery, Loranger Middle School of Old Orchard Beach, Scarborough Middle School and Massabesic Middle and High schools of Waterboro.


THE DEERING HIGH School Spanish Club is seeking donations of garden hoses, sprinklers and mesh garden netting for a reforestation project in rural Ecuador. Club members will spend a day working on the project in April as part of their nine-day, community service trip to Las Tolas, Ecuador. In addition to those items, students are hoping to have a digital camera and a pair of binoculars donated. For more information or to donate, contact Anne Dixon, Spanish Club adviser, at


THE NOR’EASTERS Open Pre-Juvenile team and Open Adult team won gold medals the 2010 Boston Synchronized Skating Classic. The team includes Sophie Calderwood of Brunswick, Caroline DeNoia of Falmouth, Leah Israel of Cape Elizabeth, Beth Kusturin, Katie Kusturin, and Cecilia Kusturin, all of Gorham, Sadie Pressman of Harpswell and Caroline Samaras of Yarmouth. Both teams are coached by Lori Johnson of Portland and represent the North Atlantic Figure Skating Club.



HEALTHSOURCE Chiropractic and Progressive Rehab will provide free Community Health Screenings in exchange for a $10 donation to Easter Seals. The 19-point screening will look at low back pain, headaches, neck pain, shoulder or arm pain, bulging or herniated discs, leg pain, numbness and more. Donations will be accepted at the office, 949 Brighton Ave., until April 28. Interested contributors should set up an appointment by calling 780-1070.


SAINT JOSEPH’S College has launched an online master of accountancy degree program. The 36-credit graduate program will prepare people with an undergraduate business degree for a career in public accounting or auditing, and for taking the certified public accountant exam. People who have bachelor’s degrees in a nonbusiness field are welcome to the program once they complete prerequisites. For more information, call (800) 752-4723 or visit


DROUIN DANCE CENTER of Westbrook’s Dance Company won top honors at the Showstopper Regional Dance Championships in Brockton, Mass. With more than 50 studios from New England and New York competing, the dancers from Drouin Dance Center took home platinum and gold medals.



TWO THORNTON ACADEMY seniors from Saco recently were honored. Lydia Dumont received the Maine Principal Association’s Principal’s Award. Paige Meserve received the DAR Good Citizen Award, sponsored by the Rebecca Emery Chapter of the American Daughters of the Revolution.


YIDE “CLARENCE” YAN, a Thornton student, was named had top scorer at the 34th Annual Maine State Math Meet. The TA team ranked 19th. Yan now progresses to the American Regions Mathematics League level of the contest. For details, go to


FRIDAY MARKS the deadline to apply for $1,000 educational scholarships the Women’s Educational and Industrial Union of Saco will award to graduating seniors from Thornton Academy or Old Orchard Beach High School. For more details, call Barbara Prentiss at 282-0310.



BOXBERRY SCHOOL students recently performed the bilingual, musical play “The Lost Book/El Libro Perdido” at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Norway. Drama teacher Dareth Law adapted the play with the help of music teacher Kristen Short. For details, call 743-9700 or go to


JUNIOR HIGH school students and teachers raised $6,685 to benefit the American Heart Association and the Maine Cancer Foundation in several events over the course of six days, including the “Hoops for Heart Basketball Tournament,” a dance, a walk-a-thon and a “Pink Tulip Garden” project.


RESTORATION on the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse continues, with J.B. Leslie Co. Inc. workers sealing the lighthouse’s interior from wet weather. The $83,000 is being funded and managed by the nonprofit American Lighthouse Foundation and Friends of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse. To learn more, go to or call 594-4174.



THE MASSABESIC LIONS Club has won Waterboro 2010 Spirit of America Foundation Award for outstanding community volunteerism. Past district governor Harvey Buzzell nominated the club for the award. The organization is known for its statewide eyeglass collection, restoration and redestribution campaign.


THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Hutchinson Center at 80 Belmont Ave. is seeking the works of amateur and professional artists, ages 50 and older for possible inclusion in the Eighth Annual Festival of the Arts Gala. The nonjuried exhibit will be displayed May 13-16. There are no entry fees. Deadline for submissions is April 15 by calling Rainy Brooks at 548-2502 or e-mail


FIVE KENNEBUNK HIGH School students were honored in the “Woman of Inspiration” contest. Senior Evanne Carter won first place and $200 for her writing about one young woman’s struggle with depression. Senior Brooke Worcester placed second and received a $150 prize for her descriptive essay about a woman who witnessed a traumatic incident. And, Chris Vesenka placed third, winning $75 for an inspirational essay about his mother. Ashley Haroldsen and Jason Small, won honorable mentions and $25. The contest was sponsored by Ocean Bank.



SEA ROAD SCHOOL’S Grade 5 students placed first in the Southern Maine Math League meet. Thirty-three students participated in the event, winning three out of three meets this year; a fourth and final meet is scheduled for early May. Three individual prizes also were awarded. Caroline Rizzo, Brenden Whitten and Sheila Baber placed first as perfect scorers. Kristopher Leslie placed third and Casey Schatzabel placed fourth.


THE LAKE REGION High School Cyber Defense Team placed second in the premiere Maine High School Cyber Defense Competition held at the University of Maine at Orono. Kyle Perreault, Cullen Shaw, Destin Pinkham, Michael Dow and Maegan Katz securied different types of computing systems against attacks from an outside group of “hackers.”

As part of the event, the team previously completed a community service project to educate businesses about common tools and strategies to protect computer workstations and network environments. The team was advised by LRHS Computer Technician Greg Watkins and mentored by Joshua Sturk, district director of instructional technology.


FAMILIES AND CHILDREN Together and its Maine Kids-Kin program provide monthly support group meetings for grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family members who are raising a relative’s child. Free, on-site child care is provided during the meetings.

The group meets at 6 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at the Second Congregational Church, 19 Crescent St. The next meeting will be April 20. To register for child care or for more information, call 591-6278 or (866)298-0896 or go to


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