William Safire wrote, “Last, but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.”

We are studying Jacoby Two No-trump in answer to a major-suit opening bid. The opener makes one of three rebids. Ideally, he jumps in a strong side five-card suit (one headed by at least two of the top three honors); next, he mentions a singleton or void at the three-level; last, but not least, he says how many high-card points he holds.

If he jumps to game in the major, it announces a minimum, 12-14 points. With some extras, a good 14 to a poor 17, he rebids three no-trump. And with a maximum that cannot immediately employ Blackwood, he bids three of the agreed suit – as in today’s deal. Then, after North control-bids four hearts (showing the heart ace and denying a minor-suit ace), South uses Blackwood to reach six spades.

South seems to have two unavoidable losers: one spade and one diamond. But he might get lucky in two ways. He wins with dummy’s club queen and calls for the spade jack. Maybe East will cover from queen- or king-doubleton. He shouldn’t, but it cannot hurt to try.

Assuming East plays low under the spade jack, declarer wins with his ace, then cashes the heart, club and diamond winners. Finally, he exits with a trump. Here, West takes the trick and must lead a heart or a club, which South ruffs in the dummy while he sluffs the last diamond from his hand. It is called a partial elimination.

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