Masks are back in town

Everyone entering Gorham municipal buildings are asked to wear a face covering due to reports of high and substantial levels of community transmission of COVID-19 in Cumberland County.

Masks are available to visitors upon request.

The town also recommends that masks be worn in public indoor settings. Residents can monitor current COVID-19 transmission rates in Cumberland County at

Community Development Office relocates

The Community Development Office (Code, Planning & Economic Development Divisions), has returned to its former second-floor location at 75 South St.

Although not currently required, appointments can be made by contacting administrative assistant Brianna Freeman at 222-1622.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported Aug. 18, 1971, that Kathy Kimball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kimball, returned from a 4-H citizenship tour in Washington, D.C. She visited Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial and the Library of Congress.

U.S. taxpayer debt

The Bureau of the Fiscal Service reported Aug. 12 that the U.S. public debt was $28,427,678,854,301.03.

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