As someone who has taken pride and enjoyed living in South Portland for almost 40 years, I now look forward to living my retirement years here. One of the specific activities that my husband and I both enjoy is going to Bug Light early in the morning and looking out at the sea with a cup of coffee in hand. In the summer we often sit on one of the benches. In the winter, we sit in our car and watch the waves. When the weather is good, we sometimes opt for an evening stroll.

Throughout the years, I have noticed the park becoming busier as both more locals and folks from farther away realize the beauty offered by this spot. And while I was taught it was good to share, and I feel that it is good to be welcoming to the many who visit Bug Light, I was also taught it was not good to be greedy. And greedy is the only way to describe the proposal for Yard South. A few people will make a lot of money — a lot — but the park will be ruined for those of us who will be left with this eyesore. Gone will be the calming spot where many of us come to relax. Instead we will have major traffic problems and hundreds of folks who will think of the park as their backyard. There are also concerns regarding long-range issues. How will such a development affect city services, city taxes, the environment? I urge our city councilors to reject the zoning change that will allow the ill-conceived proposition, known as Yard South, to proceed. I am not against development, but I am opposed to allowing a greedy few to affect the quality of life that we now enjoy in South Portland.

Lucy Breslin
South Portland

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