Thornton Academy students deliver Christmas gifts. Contributed / Thornton Academy

Thornton students make holidays merrier

Members of Thornton Academy’s Student Council continued a holiday tradition by delivering Christmas gifts for families to the Salvation Army offices on Dec. 13. Students, families, and staff donated gifts to brighten the holidays for 57 people in a dozen local families. “We’ve been doing this for more than 20 years,” said Student Council Advisor Mary Ann  Martin. “The students enjoy buying gifts for these families and are grateful for the opportunity to help others in need.”

Biddeford AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary wraps things up for veterans. Pictured from left are: Laurie Lavertue, Madam President Cathy Lessard, Secretary Pat Morin, Denise Lamontagne, and Sandy Foster. Contributed / AMVETS Post 1 Ladies Auxiliary

Ladies auxiliary remembers
veterans at the holidays

Biddeford’s AMVETS Post 1 Ladies Auxiliary become Santa Helpers for Scarborough Veterans Home, continuing more than a decade’s Christmas tradition. Tables full of gifts were sorted according to individual recipient needs, then five members of the Auxiliary spent four hours wrapping gifts.

Like previous years, the AMVETS and Sons of AMVETS contributed cash donations which are combined with the Ladies’ Christmas funds. This season over $1,200 worth of gifts were purchased.

Auxiliary Madam President Cathy Lessard said, “We begin our shopping in October. This way we take advantage of sales, discount coupons, and other incentives – that makes our money go farther.”


Most gifts are purchased locally, but some are purchased on-line. “Things are more expensive and our money doesn’t go as far, so we have to shop smarter,” Lessard said.

Scarborough Veterans Home staff members provided the Auxiliary with names of 15 resident veterans to purchase presents for as well as a list of their most pressing needs as many residents do not have families locally; some not at all.

The gift giving is “for those whom we think about this time of year.” Lessard said.

York County Food Pantry
distributing holiday meals

York County Shelter Programs will be distributing holiday meal baskets from its Food Pantry at 5 Swetts Bridge Road in Alfred on Monday, Dec. 23 and Tuesday, Dec. 24, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All are welcome.

Meal baskets will include either a ham or a turkey, plus all the fixings needed to make a holiday meal.


The pantry is also in need of volunteer drivers for Mondays and Wednesdays. The shifts are two to three hours, and individuals must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. If interested,contact Food Pantry Coordinator Robert Boyd at or 207-324-1137.

Maine CASA to hold
training  in March

For those interested in advocating for the best interests of a child, the Maine Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program is holding its next training for volunteer advocates from March 10 through March 14.

This free, five-day training is designed to prepare attendees for certification as volunteer guardians ad litem (GALs) in child protection cases. Trainees may participate virtually or in person. For those who wish to participate in person, the training will be held in Augusta. Accommodations may be available.

The foundation of a CASA’s work is learning about the case and then advising the court what the CASA believes is in the child’s best interest. CASAs come from a wide variety of professional and personal backgrounds and are guided throughout the process by CASA program staff.

Those interested in the training must complete an application and, if invited to participate, must also complete criminal and child protection services background checks.


For more information about becoming a volunteer, contact Maine CASA at 213-2865 or by e-mail at

A fundraiser for the Biddeford Dog Park will take place Sunday, Dec. 22 at Banded Brewing. Contributed / Biddeford Dog Park

Help raise money for
Biddeford Dog Park

Banded Brewing Co. and  Biddeford Dog Park volunteers have come together to raise funds to improve the Biddeford Dog Park. The 15-year anniversary for the dog park is fast approaching and the age of the park is really starting to show.

Biddeford has expanded significantly, and with that growth has come an influx of new owners/dogs using the dog park. This event and the money raised will go towards making a safer more enjoyable space for dogs and their owners.

Of concern are: fencing that has lifted or fallen; the need for a double gate to be installed at the back entrance; and, more shade in the summer. In the winter and spring, the dog park is not always usable due to mud – organizers are hoping the second entryway will help reduce the traffic and therefore the amount of mud.

Bark for the Park, a fundraiser for improvements to the Biddeford Dog Park, will take place Sunday, Dec. 22, from noon to 4 p.m. at Banded Brewing, located at 32 West Main St., Bldg. 13-W, Ste. 102, in Biddeford.

Raffle tickets are being sold for the chance to win items, gift cards, and/or services from local businesses. There will be something for everyone – items for dogs; gift cards to hair salons; disc golf items; scentsy packages; pool memberships; and much more. Tickets will be available until the end of the event. Raffle items are on display at Banded Brewing.

In addition to the raffle, there will be a donation basket for those that would like to donate to the Biddeford Dog Park which is a nonprofit. There will also be food, music, beer, and karaoke.

Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed due to brewery restrictions.

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