Writer and podcast host Devin Person will discuss his book “So Let It Be Written: A Wizards’ Guide to Metafiction” at Novel Book Bar and Cafe in Portland at 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23. Reserve a spot for free at novelmaine.com. Contributed / Novel
Friday 8/23
Michael Brigante: 7 p.m., Empire Comedy Club, 575 Congress St., Portland. $29.44-$39.82. 21-plus. empirecomedyme.com
“Breaking Down the House”: 8 p.m., Maine House of Comedy, 77 Free St., Portland. $20. eventbrite.com
Kendall Farrell: 9:30 p.m., Empire Comedy Club, 575 Congress St., Portland. $29.44. 21-plus. empirecomedyme.com
Saturday 8/24
Jay Chanoine: 7 and 9:30 p.m., Empire Comedy Club, 575 Congress St., Portland. $24.25. 21-plus. empirecomedyme.com
Thursday 8/29
Sam Ramsdell: 7 p.m., Empire Comedy Club, 575 Congress St., Portland. $24.25-$29.44. 21-plus. empirecomedyme.com
New England’s Funniest Comedian, Round 4: 8 p.m., Aura, 121 Center St., Portland. $15. 21-plus. auramaine.com
Friday 8/30 & Saturday 8/31
Big Jay Oakerson: 9:30 p.m., Empire Comedy Club, 575 Congress St., Portland. $34.63. 21-plus. empirecomedyme.com
“Crowd Source”: Improv with topics from audience members, 7 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays, Empire Comedy Club, 575 Congress St., Portland. $5 or free with topic suggestion. 21-plus. empirecomedyme.com
Through 8/24
Plein Air Art Festival: Bickford Pavilion, 1 Railroad Square, Yarmouth. artascope.org
Saturday 8/24
Portland Fine Craft Show: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 120 Free St. parking lot. Free. shopmainecraft.com
Tuesday 8/27
Emily Gray photography artist reception: 6 p.m., Prince Memorial Library, 266 Main St., Cumberland. princememorial.org
Through 8/29
“Exploration, a Group Exhibition”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, Richard Boyd Art Gallery, 15 Epps St., Peaks Island. Free. richardboydpottery.com
Through 8/31
“Timeworn”: John Whalley, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, to 5 p.m. Saturday, Greenhut Galleries, 146 Middle St., Portland. greenhutgalleries.com
Through 9/4
Joy Grannis: Gilsland Farm Gallery, 20 Gilsland Farm Road, Falmouth. maineaudubon.org/art
Through 9/7
“Color and Light”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays, noon to 4 p.m. Sundays, Meetinghouse Arts, 40 Main St., Freeport. Free. meetinghousearts.org
Through 9/12
“Sketchbooks and Small Works”: Eleanor Anderson, Crystal Cawley, Rebecca Hannon, Ingrid Ellison and Melissa Sweet, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays, Zero Station, 222 Anderson St., Portland. zerostation.com
Through 9/21
“Close In” and “Two If By Sea”: Laura Waller and Richard Keen, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, Elizabeth Moss Galleries, 251 Route 1, Falmouth. elizabethmossgalleries.com
Friday 8/23
“The Secret of Roan Inish” (1994): Rated PG, 2 p.m., Freeport Community Library, 10 Library Drive. freeportlibrary.com
“Rock Dog 3: Battle the Beat” (2022): Rated TV-Y, 7 p.m., L.L.Bean Discovery Park, 95 Main St., Freeport. Free. llbean.com/llb/shop/518418
Friday 8/23-Sunday 8/25
“Sugarcane” (2024): Rated R, 2 and 6 p.m. Friday, noon Saturday, noon and 3 p.m. Sunday, Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square. $6. portlandmuseum.org
Saturday 8/24
“A Fish Called Wanda” (1988): Rated R, 3 p.m., Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square. $10, $7 students. portlandmuseum.org
“Alice in Wonderland” (1951): Rated G, 3 p.m., Thomas Memorial Library, 6 Scott Dyer Road, Cape Elizabeth. Registration required. thomasmemoriallibrary.org
Sunday 8/25
One Ocean Film Tour: 7 p.m., L.L.Bean Discovery Park, 95 Main St., Freeport. Free. llbean.com/llb/shop/518418
Monday 8/26
“Paddington” (2014): Rated PG, 11 a.m., Merrill Memorial Library, 215 Main St., Yarmouth. yarmouthlibrary.org
Wednesday 8/28
“The Magnificent Seven” (1960): 7 p.m., Merrill Memorial Library, 215 Main St., Yarmouth. yarmouthlibrary.org
Friday 8/30
“Migration” (2023): Rated PG, 7 p.m., L.L.Bean Discovery Park, 95 Main St., Freeport. Free. llbean.com/llb/shop/518418
Friday 8/30-Sunday 9/1
“The Conversation” (1974): Rated PG, 2 and 6 p.m. Friday, noon Saturday, noon and 3 p.m. Sunday, Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square. $6. portlandmuseum.org
Apohadion Theater: 107 Hanover St., Portland. facebook.com/TheApohadionTheater
Merrill Film Society: Watch movies on your own and join a Zoom discussion. Email mcarnes@yarmouthlibrary.org for an invitation. yarmouthlibrary.org
Friday 8/23
Dark Star Orchestra: Grateful Dead tribute, 6 p.m., Thompson’s Point, 207 Thompson’s Point Road, Portland. $45 advance, $55 day-of, free ages 3 and under. statetheatreportland.com
Undertow Brass; Party Band; Everything Forever: 8 p.m., SPACE, 538 Congress St., Portland. $15 advance, $18 at door. space538.org
Cooper Alan: 9 p.m., Aura, 121 Center St., Portland. $25. 18-plus. auramaine.com
Marble Eyes: 10:30 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $12 advance, $15 at door. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Saturday 8/24
Re;Sample: 6-11 p.m., Blue, 650 Congress St., Portland. $15 advance, $20 at door. 21-plus. blueportlandmaine.com
Heather Pierson Trio: 7 p.m., Cadenza, 5 Depot St., Freeport. $25 advance, $30 at door, $10 students. cadenzafreeport.com
Chet Doxas; Scott Kiefner; John Mettam: 7:30 p.m., Portland Conservatory of Music, 28 Neal St., Portland. $29, $12 children and students. porttix.com
Dweezil Zappa: 8 p.m., State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. $40-$70. statetheatreportland.com
House of Hamill: 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland. $25 advance, $35 at door. onelongfellowsquare.com
Sunday 8/25
Navy Band Country Current: 3 p.m., Memorial Park, Freeport. Free. meetinghousearts.org
Dog Party; Greasy Grass; Brea Fournier and the Dream Ballet: 8 p.m., Blue, 650 Congress St., Portland. $12 advance, $15 at door. 21-plus. blueportlandmaine.com
Easy Honey; Little Oso; Kids That Fly: 8 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $13. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Tuesday 8/27
Jud Caswell: 7 p.m., Footlights Theatre, 190 Route 1, Falmouth. $20. thefootlightstheatre.com
Perpetual Groove: 9 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $20. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Thursday 8/29
The Brothers Project: 8 p.m., Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $15. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Dalton and the Sheriffs: 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland. $20 advance, $25 at door. onelongfellowsquare.com
Forager; Matriarch; Emily Irving: 8 p.m., Blue, 650 Congress St., Portland. $15 advance, $18 at door. 21-plus. blueportlandmaine.com
“Opulence”: Mini ball and dance party, 8 p.m., SPACE, 538 Congress St., Portland. $20 advance, $22 at door. space538.org
Friday 8/30
Blues on Sunday; Nelson Checkoway; Per Hanson; Jon Ross: 7 p.m., Cadenza, 5 Depot St., Freeport. $23 advance, $28 at door, $10 students. cadenzafreeport.com
Goth Babe; Ritt Momney: 7 p.m., Thompson’s Point, 207 Thompson’s Point Road, Portland. $39.50 advance, $45 day-of, free ages 3 and under. statetheatreportland.com
KPOP Breakout Tour: 7 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland. $50-$250. onelongfellowsquare.com
Reed Foehl Trio; Miami Spice Quintet: 7 p.m., Blue, 650 Congress St., Portland. Entry by donation. 21-plus. blueportlandmaine.com
Joe Henry; Ross Gallagher: 8 p.m., SPACE, 538 Congress St., Portland. $20 advance, $25 at door. space538.org
Steel Panther: 9 p.m., Aura, 121 Center St., Portland. $32. 18-plus. auramaine.com
Through 9/2
Dave Jacquet; Ronnie Mocciola: 4 p.m., Jacquet on Mondays, Mocciola on Tuesdays, Brickyard Hollow Brewing Co., 20 Bow St., Freeport. brickyardhollow.com
Through 9/4
Bearly Dead: 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland. $12. 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Through 9/12
Summer Sunsets Live: Music, food and games, opens at 4 p.m., Thompson’s Point, 207 Thompson’s Point Road, Portland. Free. thompsonspoint.com
Musicians Circle: 3-5 p.m., Wednesdays, Scarborough Community Center, 418 Payne Road, Scarborough. 730-4150, comserv@scarboroughmaine.org
Open jazz session: 7 p.m., Wednesdays, Blue, 650 Congress St., Portland. blueportlandmaine.com
Flask Retro Party: 8 p.m., every last Saturday, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. $5. flasklounge.com
“Monday of the Minds”: Hip hop open mic, 8 p.m., Mondays, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. 21-plus. flasklounge.com
Stereo Dreams: Open mic, 8 p.m., every first Wednesday, Sun Tiki Studios, 375 Forest Ave., Portland. suntikistudios.com
Open DJ Night: 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. flasklounge.com
Live Music: 9 p.m., Fridays, Sea Dog Brewing Co., 125 Western Ave., South Portland. seadogbrewing.com
Karaoke: 10 p.m., Thursdays, Sea Dog Brewing Co., 125 Western Ave., South Portland. seadogbrewing.com
Saturday 8/24
“Isla” by Hit The Lights Co.: 2 and 7 p.m., Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo St., Portland. $15 advance, $22 at door. mayostreetarts.org
Through 8/25
“Red Riding Hood”: 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., Wednesday-Sunday, Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine, 250 Thompson’s Point Road, Portland. $18. kitetails.org/redridinghood
Through 8/29
“The Mama Cass Elliot Story”: 7 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, Footlights Theatre, 190 Route 1, Falmouth. $20. thefootlightstheatre.com
Through 8/30
“Killer Comfort”: 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Footlights Theatre, 190 Route 1, Falmouth. $20. thefootlightstheatre.com
Through 9/1
“The Amazing Acro-Cats”: Cats performing tricks, 7 p.m. Wednesdays-Fridays, 2 and 7 p.m. Saturdays, 1 p.m. Sundays, The Hill Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. $25-$60. thehillarts.me
Through 9/8
“The Play That Goes Wrong”: 2 and 7:30 p.m., Portland Stage, 25A Forest Ave. $20-$72. portlandstage.org
Balderdash Academy On The Air: 7-9 p.m., monthly, The Hill Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. thehillarts.me
Teller’s Garden First Friday Performances: 6:30 p.m., first Friday, Portland Media Center, 516 Congress St., Portland. $15, $10 seniors. facebook.com/TellersGarden
Friday 8/23
Devin Person author talk: “So Let It Be Written: A Wizards’ Guide to Metafiction,” 5 p.m., Novel Book Bar and Cafe, 643 Congress St., Portland. Free, registration required. novelmaine.com
Wednesday 8/28
Krystyn J. Miller author talk: “Given Our History,” 7 p.m., Print: A Bookstore, 273 Congress St., Portland. printbookstore.com
Thursday 8/29
Elisa Gabbert author talk: “Any Person is the Only Self,” 7 p.m., Longfellow Books, 1 Monument Way, Portland. longfellowbooks.com
Blurb Club in Mechanics’ Hall: Noon, every other Thursday, Congress Square Park, or Mechanics’ Hall, 519 Congress St., Portland, in bad weather. Informal book discussions for adults and seniors. Hosted by Portland Public Library. portlandlibrary.com
Books a la Carte: 2 p.m., third Tuesday, book and author discussions, no assigned reading. People Plus, 35 Union St., Brunswick. peopleplusmaine.org
Books and Brews: 6 p.m., first Wednesday, Flight Deck Brewing, Brunswick Landing, 11 Atlantic Ave., Brunswick. curtislibrary.com/book-groups
Books on Tap: 4:30 p.m., third Monday, Sea Dog Brewing Co., 3 Cabela Boulevard, Scarborough. Hosted by Scarborough Public Library. tcorbett@scarboroughlibrary.org, scarboroughlibrary.org
Civil War Book Club: 7 p.m., Monday, monthly, People Plus, 35 Union St., Brunswick. peopleplusmaine.org
Free e-Books: Free military history, African-American history and Latino history downloads at ebooksforstudents.org.
Great Books Discussion: 10 a.m. to noon, second Saturday, Topsham Public Library, 25 Foreside Road. emma@topshamlibrary.org, topshamlibrary.org
Guerilla Poetry Whoop: 6:30 p.m., second Thursday, virtual via Zoom. Registration required. Hosted by Thomas Memorial Library. thomasmemoriallibrary.org
Just Desserts Mystery Group: 6:30-7:30 p.m., second Tuesday, Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant St., Brunswick. curtislibrary.com/book-groups
LGBTQ+ Book Group for adults: 6 p.m., second Monday, Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant St., Brunswick. Registration required. curtislibrary.com/book-groups
Monday Afternoon Book Group: 1 p.m., first Monday, hybrid via Zoom and at Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant St., Brunswick. curtislibrary.com/book-groups
Preservation Pages: 6 p.m., monthly, various locations in Greater Portland. portlandlandmarks.org
Social Topics in Literature Book Group: 6:30-8 p.m., second Wednesday, virtual via Zoom. Registration required. Hosted by Prince Memorial Library. princememorial.org
South Portland Public Library Writers’ Group: 2-4 p.m., first and third Saturdays via Zoom. No experience necessary. Registration required. southportlandlibrary.com/writers-group
Thursday Afternoon Book Group: 3-4:30 p.m., last Thursday. To register, email emanning@cumberlandmaine.com. Prince Memorial Library, 266 Main St., Cumberland. princememorial.org
Write On Writers: 1 p.m., Wednesdays, People Plus, 35 Union St., Brunswick. peopleplusmaine.org
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