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Recent hires, promotions, appointments and other business news from United Way of Southern Maine, Saco and Biddeford Savings, The Boulos Co., Verrill, Maine Center for Entrepreneurs and St.Germain.
Hires, promotions, appointments this week from Baker Newman Noyes, Morgan Stanley's wealth management office, MEMIC, Demont Associates, Camden National Bank and Girls on the Run Maine.
Based on a philosophy blog that he has been running for 18 years, USM philosophy professor Jason Read's new book "Unemployed Negativity" contemplates popular culture and what it says about us all.
Biddeford watercolorist Mimi Gregoire Carpenter's new paintings of beach findings are on display at Portland's Roux and Cyr International Fine Art Gallery this month.
The South Portland-based nonprofit partners with over 40 schools in Greater Portland in addition to grocers, food pantries and other organizations to supply children and families in need with nutritious food.
Photographer Barbara Peacock's "American Bedroom" is on display at the Maine Museum of Photographic Arts. The project took seven years and intimately depicts people in their bedrooms in every state of the U.S.
Portland restaurants Bissell Brothers and Regards offered seven-course seafood menus for the traditionally Italian American celebration of Christmas Eve.
The nearly $2.5 million three-year federal grant for the project will make it so Maine is no longer the sole state to not inventory any sexual assault kits.
Print studios across the city open their doors Dec. 13-15 for the annual Portland Print Crawl, encouraging residents to support local printmakers with their holiday shopping and showcasing Portland's robust printmaking community.
At this monthly grassroots gathering, community members come together to repair a wide variety of broken objects and share their skills with both friends and strangers.
After raising $1.56 million over two years, the nonprofit bicycle and outdoor gear organization secured its location on Washington Avenue, allowing for an expansion of programs and continued accessibility.
Portland Public Schools Wabanaki Studies Coordinator Fiona Hopper and Indigenous Advisor Bridgid Neptune were honored with the Education for the Common Good Award for developing the new curriculum.
The nonprofit organization is looking to raise $1.5 million toward its new 16,000-square-foot building on Congress Street in Portland and to stock it for up to three years.
The Portland-based nonprofit will take over running the low-barrier shelter in February 2025 as Penobscot Community Health Center can no longer afford it. It is the only privately operated low-barrier shelter in Maine north of Waterville.
Multimedia artist Lisa DiFranza facilitated the mural through an artist residency at the Children's Museum and Theatre of Maine that focused on the theme of belonging.
The project aimed to increase tree canopy cover in the neighborhood that had distinctly fewer trees than the rest of the city and improve environmental equality.
The popular seasonal tours of the Wadsworth-Longfellow House are based on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "Haunted Houses," and focus on those who lived and died in the Portland landmark.
The National Historic Landmark on Danforth Street is undergoing three restoration projects that will bring it closer to its original appearance in 1860.
The nonprofit Finding Our Voices provided a platform for those who have experienced domestic violence to share their stories. It was the first time the touring event has come to Portland.
The forums, facilitated by the advocacy group Homeless Voices for Justice, served as a platform for constituents with experience in homelessness to engage with candidates for Portland City Council.
Project FEED, which faced temporary closure due to upcoming year-long construction at Woodfords Congregational Church, has found a new location on Brighton Avenue.
On Oct. 9, over 100 Portland high school students saw the highest court in the state operate on the stage of their auditorium and got a look at the mechanics of the judicial branch.
The Greater Portland Council of Governments received a grant to help Casco Bay municipalities that are facing coastal erosion and gather more coastal bluff data.
The Casco Bay Trail Alliance, which seeks to alter the Berlin Subdivision rail corridor to add a trail looping from Portland to Lewiston/Auburn, is asking towns along the route to sign off in support. Cumberland recently voted to postpone a decision.
On Oct. 1, Maine Trail Builders broke ground on a bike track in Riverton Trolley Park as part of an effort by the Portland Parks Conservancy and the city of Portland to increase usage of the park.
With support from the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and two Portland neighborhood associations, Portland Trails installed paint and poles at six intersections to slow cars and increase their awareness of pedestrians and cyclists.
On Saturday, the festival showcased 27 animated shorts by artists from Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire, with the goal connecting artists of all experience levels.
Photographer Mark Rockwood reflects on both the Munjoy Hill neighborhood and on his life 50 years ago when he took the photos of children on the street.
The young Portland director received the Emerging Maine Filmmaker Award for the project showing the community in one of Maine's most diverse neighborhoods.
The route runs later on weekday evenings, and in the fall, Metro will pilot a micro-transit program to serve the portion of the route that goes to the Town Landing and OceanView.
What started out as a couple of young women taking a winter swim at a Scarborough beach is now "this wonderful group for people from all walks of life and people of all ages."
This year's festival program, including multiple appearances by American Idol's Julia Gagnon, was a little harder to pull off because of a drop-off in the number of volunteers.
The 35-year-old poetry and arts journal this summer features the works of 17 Ukrainian poets and 12 Ukrainian artists "that reveal the depth of the Ukrainian soul in these trying times."
The Turn the Tide Coalition, with members from throughout Cumberland County, seeks to put an end to phone-centered childhoods and get kids thinking creatively, playing and interacting again.
The new facility on the Portland waterfront will provide a place for hardworking crews to connect with their families, take care of shopping and other personal business and relax, says the nonprofit Seafarers' Friend.
A Maine ceramicist who lived in Palestine wants viewers to feel the impact of the thousands of young lives lost: 'We hear numbers all the time, but what do they mean? What do they look like? We get so deadened to that.'
Victoria Mansion in Portland is tackling a shortage of tradespeople skilled in working on historic homes with workshops addressing the specifics of preservation.