Falmouth student selected
for national mock Senate
Dahlia Verrill, a rising senior at Falmouth High School, was one of 100 high school seniors across the country selected to attend American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation last week in Washington, D.C. The weeklong program, founded in 1947, includes mock Senate sessions, caucuses and bill debates, a visit to the U.S. senators from the the participants’ states, and tours of monuments.
Verrill participated in the American Legion Auxiliary DIRIGO Girls State event and is active in cross country, track, Model U.N. and ACLU Club at her school.
Mitchell Institute awards
184 students scholarships
The Mitchell Institute has awarded scholarships to 184 Maine students. Receiving the $10,000 scholarships in the Greater Portland area are: Joyce Bitangilayi, South Portland High School; Alex Brooking and Sebastian Hesser, Cape Elizabeth High School; Teagan Davenport and Kassidy Nobles, Freeport High School; Veronika Davis and Liam Murphy, Baxter Academy for Technology and Science; Ian Gilbertson, Yarmouth High School; Kani Gutter, Falmouth High School; Grace Kalonji, Hawa Muana and Maylah Sinuansombath-Kim, Deering High School; Flower Kayisengerwa and Joseph Lew, Casco Bay High School; Owen Keller and Jamila Mohamed, Scarborough High School; Aziza King, Maine Connections Academy; Ian Marembo, Portland High School; and Ethan Robeck of Greely High School.
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