Waleed Rabbat of Cumberland, a Sebago Lake Anglers’ Association lifetime fishing license winner, shows off a smallmouth bass taken from Tom Roth’s dock in Raymond. Tom Roth / For Lakes Region Weekly

Every year in early September, the Sebago Lake Anglers’ Association holds its annual Lake Trout Derby, and more than 100 anglers join the two-day event to win cash prizes and merchandise, all for a good cause.

Founded in 1994 by a group of local anglers, the association was formed to promote fishing on Sebago Lake, help protect the resource and provide worthwhile public service. Over the years, the club has provided scholarships for area students and assisted the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in stocking smelt eggs. Most recently, two main areas of focus have emerged: angler outreach for beginners and veterans, and the awarding of lifetime fishing licenses to local kids.

The association has two main events involving angler outreach. In the winter, it partners with the town of Naples and holds an introduction to ice-fishing event on Long Lake at the town boat ramp. Club members volunteer their time and shuttle newbies interested in ice fishing out onto the ice, show them how to set up ice-fishing gear and have a cookout for those attending. I and fellow guide Glen Gisel bring our snowmobiles and shuttle families out onto the ice, to make it easier on both young and old.

Our second popular event is a veterans’ fishing day on Sebago Lake. Club members and several area guides volunteer their time to take interested veterans out on Sebago Lake for a morning of trolling. The day’s fishing is followed by a cookout. This past year the event was held in May at Sebago Lake State Park. I’ve taken many out for several years at this event and always have a great time interacting with veterans young and old.

Tom Roth is a freelance outdoor writer who lives in Raymond on the shore of Sebago Lake. He has been fishing and hunting in this region for more than 30 years and is a Registered Maine Guide.

The upcoming derby is our biggest fundraiser. Proceeds go to the purchase of lifetime fishing licenses for club family members. Kids from infants up to before they turn 16 years old are eligible. The free lifetime license is good in Maine even if your child moves out of state. Each year we award about 12 licenses. If you want to join the club and get involved and maybe secure a lifetime license for a family member, we meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the United Church of Good Fellowship, 1000 Roosevelt Trail, in Naples. Meetings include a potluck supper. Club Treasurer Phyllis Kent usually makes a fantastic pot of baked beans.

The derby this year runs from Saturday, Sept. 7, through Sunday, Sept. 8, and the weigh-in station is at Point Sebago Resort. Cash prizes include the top three fish at $1,000, $750 and $500, the smallest fish for $100 along with three cash drawings of $100. In addition, gift certificates and other prizes will be awarded. Anglers can register at Dag’s Bait in Auburn, Naples Bait and Tackle II in Naples, Jordan’s Store in Sebago and Hilltop Mini Mart in Raymond. See the Sebago Lake Anglers Facebook page for more details. Good luck to all anglers for helping the club continue to do its good work.

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