HOUSE DISTRICT 110: Chebeague Island, Cumberland, part of Long Island

Democrat Christina Mitchell and Republican Scott Jordan are both running for the seat vacated by Steve Moriarty, who chose not to run for reelection. Jordan did not respond to The Forecaster’s questionnaire.



City/town: Cumberland

What do you do professionally?

I am an educator. I have taught in public schools in Maine for over 30 years: at University of Southern Maine in the ESL Department since 2016; at Portland High School for more than 26 years as a teacher of English Language Learners; and also at Windham and Wiscasset in the middle and high schools.


Please give a brief rundown of your leadership experience.

MSAD 51 School Board (2022-2025); chair of MSAD 51 Facilities Subcommittee (2023-2024); secretary of the Cumberland Municipal Democratic Committee since 2019; and I’ve led many other community and educational initiatives.

What are your top priorities and why?

Strengthen local economies and island communities; balancing the property taxes is important to keep everyone in the community. Defunding the school by rejecting the budget in total or denying services to some members of the community is not the answer.

Promote a clean environment and help communities address climate change; the coastal communities and islands in particular need our attention and support as evident from the severe storms last winter.

Work with our community to develop a smart plan to lower housing prices; as a teacher, I am very aware how expensive it is to live in the community where you work. Many service workers as well as community support workers experience the same economic challenges. To have a whole community, we need to include housing opportunities for a variety of income levels.


Support public schools; protect students from gun violence, and keep radical agenda out of our classrooms.

Protect reproductive rights from extreme abortion bans. Why? It’s about the health and safety of mothers and families.

What are your top two concerns about the economy, and what would you do to address them if elected to the Legislature?

Affordability of housing, prices that are out of line with production costs and corporate compensation.

Jobs in the green economy: promote, address, increase.

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