Diane Dyer, a Westbrook Historical Society director, Jan. 18 researches a 1987 American Journal bound book of papers. The society is open from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Saturdays at Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St. Robert Lowell / American Journal

Little League signup

Little League registrations are available at westbrookmelittleleague.com.

Scholarship assistance is available for families in need by emailing president@westbrookmelittleleague.com for details.

The league is offering volunteer opportunities. “We need you to make this season amazing for the kids. Every family is encouraged to sign up for a volunteer role,” the organization posted online. “Let’s work together to create the best Little League experience for our players.”

Redwood Society events

The Redwood Society for those ages 50 and older has weekly events in the Redwood Room from 1 to 3 p.m. at Westbrook Community Center, 426 Bridge St.


There is bingo on Fridays, Jan. 24 and 31; team trivia Monday, Jan. 27; and Cribbage Club Wednesday, Jan. 29.

Participation is open to both residents and non-residents. Free coffee, water and snacks are available.

For more information, call John Lee at 854-0676 or email jlee@westbrook.me.us.

WML Friends

The Friends of Walker Memorial Library will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 23, at the library, 800 Main St.

The Friends meet regularly on the fourth Thursday of each month. For more information, call 854-0630.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on Jan. 22, 1975, that Staff Sgt. Jon Roma, USAF, stationed in Alaska, had received the Air Force commendation medal and citation for distinguished service as an administrative specialist and construction equipment operator at Tyndale AFB in Panama City, Florida. He was the son of Colin Roma of Park St.

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