After moving to Maine in 1986, I savored reading “Mark Trail” daily. It reminded me of childhood and reading the Detroit Free Press after school with those hilarious scamps, Nancy and Sluggo.

The authors of both “Mark Trail” and “Nancy” had story lines so weak and excruciatingly slow, with ridiculous drawings, that they brought a spark of fun to my day.

I still chuckle at refrigerator magnets made from especially entertaining drawings of Mark frantically pitching dynamite at Rusty, and another, throwing a particularly potent punch, a cross between Batman and Chuck Norris. It just missed Doc, of course, landing on the bad guy’s jaw instead.

But, alas, the work and tale of the “Mark Trail” replacement artist have diminished (my) sarcastic pleasure to irritation at the Portland Press Herald for running it. I believe that Mark and Carina (what happened to the pudgy man?) may be trapped in that cave, without food or water, far past the fall election.

Please, please, please, let Mark Trail die now.

Joan E. Herzog

South Portland

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