Dear Editor,

We are taxpaying people of Raymond, Maine. We want to be heard. We should not be wasting our tax dollars on lawyers’ fees and an overpaid superintendent, a superintendent that is part time and should be paid accordingly. We only have about 550 students between two schools. The superintendent gets paid a $62,000 salary. That is a whopping $112 per student.

We are proposing $40,000 for legal fees and that is $73 per student. We all should take a real hard look at these expenditures and put the money where it will best serve the students. We need the full-time social worker at the middle school. That position costs about $32,000 per year; that is about $58.00 per student. The money we could save on legal fees and the superintendent could pay the social worker’s salary. We could have more money for suitable allocations that would provide a more positive direction for the children to follow.

It is sad to hear that people do not want to speak up because they fear nobody will listen. We all pay a lot of money in taxes and our children should get all the support it takes to grow. It is a hard world out there. The children are our future; they will be taking care of us someday. Why do we want to deprive them of what they need?

Robert and Laura King


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